Over lunch with some anonymous awesome divas today, a conversation came up about body image.  I have a friend who will not be seen in a swimsuit at the beach or the pool, ever.  The conversation went even further into strange territory when it was stated that the preference was to even stay partially dressed (long tshirt, whatever) whilst in, ahem, intimate moments. 

This is not a gender specific issue, body image, so I wanted to get out here on my blog and talk to everyone about it.  Put on your freakin’ swimsuit and enjoy the ocean!  There will always be someone thinner than you, there will always be someone heavier than you, who the hell cares, go have fun!  And as for those intimate moments, ummm, you’ve gotten far enough with someone that clothing is optional and probably just in the way, so just remove it all!

I don’t care if I wear a swimsuit at the beach, geez.  The only peril to that is blinding innocent bystanders when the sunlight reflects off my whiter than white skin.  If I waited until I had some “perfect” body, whatever that is, I’d never freakin’ get to go swimming!  I don’t want to miss out on a thing, and why would you?  In fact, I have more than one swimsuit in case one’s wet and I wanna go swim again!  Why would you want to skip the trip to the lake or the pool party and miss out on fun with friends and family?  They really don’t give a snot what you look like in your swimwear, I promise; they just wanna goof off and spend time with you.  I can’t imagine missing out on playing “mermaid” with Minime in the pool or not wave jumping out in the ocean with because I was self-conscious about my butt in a swimsuit.

As for your special getting freaky moments, strip!  In a fit of far TMI, I will tell you that I HATEHATEHATE to get cold, so in the summer with the A/C blowing, I like a little coverup if it’s time to get down, but if we can get it warm in here, it’s a free for all of paleness and tangled limbs.  Why? Because this is it, folks, this is all there is.  Today is all we have, right this minute, so you gotta accept who you are inside and out today.  Sure, you can wish your abs were less sticky outy, but today, they are what they are…do some crunches and get your freak on!  I hate to think that people are skipping intimacy with their loves because they feel funny about whether their boobs are too small or their ass is too big or their stomach is too round or their elbows are too pointy or I don’t even know what else.  We’re all human, we come in different shapes and shades and sizes, and who you are today, right this second, is completely strip-worthy to the one you love that loves you, too.

It’s not a beauty pageant, it’s real life.  I work with a guy who has such a way with the ladies, but on the surface, he’s just an average fellow—no movie star looks, no bling. There’s never a shortage of women in his life.  It’s not about his looks or his physique, though, it’s about confidence in himself.  He believes he’s a hottie from Hottieville, he projects this with ease and grace, and thus he is.  Believe, people, believe! I know I can’t make you see what you don’t want to see in yourselves, but dang!  This life we get is too short to be thinking you’re anything less than Da Bomb!

Take your clothes off already…in broad daylight, even! (disclaimer: please strip only in the privacy of your own home and not, say, at Waffle House or the office)  All you have is today…enjoy the hell out of it!

Gawd almighty, bring me a bottle o’ wine

I passed my first big exam today, hell yeah.  So bring me a bottle o’ wine, send flowers, because I worked f-ing hard and I deserve all that and more and you’ve been super lax on celebrating me as you should.

Appreciate the pep talks and encouragement so much.  You know how I am…I never assume that I’m gonna pass, but I never assume I’m gonna fail either…so I get all nervous and uncertain and, well, in between.   Even when I passed (90%!), I still had a hard time getting my head around it…I told someone I thought I was dreaming the whole damn thing and was gonna be sorely disappointed when the alarm clock’s ring ripped the illusion to bits.  But I really passed on the first try!

Next big exam has to be completed by mid-October but I’m not cracking a book today.  I’m goofing off around my blog and running a hot bubble bath and doing nothing.  Tomorrow I move right on to the next class, but today, yeah, I’ve earned the right to be a little lazy.

followup on the stp show

Here’s a video snippet from this weekend’s show—NOT MY VIDEO!! Can’t take credit for it, but the photos in the post from Monday morning are mine.  Since all I posted in my 3 AM haze were a few photos…here’s the scoop…

The show was in Charlotte on Sunday: Stone Temple Pilots with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club opening.  I took my brother with me to the show and we were in such a great spot!  There was a small pit (ok, it’s not really a pit as far as I’m concerned if there’s no moshing allowed, so it boils down to be a small area of concrete where a few people stood) in front of the seats, and then we were in the very front row of seats.  We had a great view of everything! Fan club pre-sale seats are the bomb!

I wasn’t too familiar with BRMC, so I looked up some of their tunes on Napster before the show.  Honestly, the tunes online didn’t dazzle me.  They weren’t bad, but it didn’t grab me.  Live, though, they were really good, rougher around the edges than the polished studio stuff.  I liked their sound live, so I’d see them again if I had the opportunity.

When it came down to STP, they were late taking the stage…almost an hour late!  Talk about an angry crowd—-in our seats, since we were in the very front, we had plenty of leg room to stretch out and relax and wait it out, but everyone else was not quite so comfy.  As we rolled around to the 45 minute mark in waiting, the crowd was starting to boo and yell not very nice things about how the band needed to put down the smack and get on the stage.  Yeah, it was tense…

…But all the tension evaporated the moment they hit the stage and placated us all with Big Empty:slow, powerful and amazing.  Wow!  They visited songs from all their albums as Scott Weiland removed his layers, starting with his hat, then leather jacket, then vest and working his way through what seemed like a million scarves until he was down to being open-shirted at the last song.  Scott Weiland has a scarf guy: a roadie whose primary duty is to help untie knots and remove the layers as they come off…oh, the scarf guy also grabs maracas when they are discarded so the famous rock stars don’t trip over them.  I want a scarf guy.

It was awesome, there’s just no other way to put it!  They did a whole lot more songs from their first album then I would’ve guessed—oftentimes, a band neglects its beginnings when they become famous, but they did 3 or 4 tunes from their first recording.  Worth the price of admission and then some!

 Big thanks to my little bro for the AWESOME (overpriced!) long sleeved tshirt.  Hope your Mrs. digs the shirt I picked for her, and if not, wrap it up and give it to me for my birthday. 



stp, a few pix from Charlotte show

so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have a ton of photos, but a lot of them are kinda blurry because I was bouncing around like I do.  My bro took some pix, too…


Scott Weiland during opening song Big Empty:

Scott, STP


Me and my baby bro—baby bro’s first ever photo appearance in the Kat Box; I’m the cute one:

me and my bro


STP, all but the drummer

STP in Charlotte


I was close enough to Scott Weiland to carry him off and make him a housepet, but I unselfishly left him onstage to share with all…

scott white shirt


and moi, a little tired after midnight, in a rare kat box appearance of my own, because i rock hardcore…



it’s sunday & that means STP!

Stone Temple Pilots in Charlotte tonight!! Thank you Scott Weiland for not being in rehab or jail today!!

I’m psyched.  I’m driving baby bro down, and our seats are EXCELLENTLY excellent pre-sale seats.

It’s not time to go yet, but I’m kinda getting things organized.  It’s funny how differently I prepare to go see a show as compared to the olden days.  For example, I’ll go ahead and get some clothes out for work in the morning since I’ll be getting in kinda late tonight…back in the day, I would’ve instead been formulating reasons to call in sick tomorrow.  I would’ve selected my sturdiest badass footwear based on anticipated moshpit time, and now, I’m picking something that’s comfy to stand in for hours.  Of course, big venues like the one today won’t allow moshpits; they’ll throw you out because of the liability…oh but back in my youth, no one cared if we landed face first on the concrete or fell over chairs or whatever.

I’m excited!  When I bought the tickets, summer hadn’t even really kicked in yet, and the concert seemed a million years away, but it’s today!  I haven’t seen STP in about twelve years.  Last show I saw was when I was living in Virginia–wow, that was a long time ago, because I went with Minime’s dad, Mr. Kat 1.0, as one of the last things we ever did as a married couple.  Yeah, that’s been a lifetime ago…

I will not be wearing an STP shirt to the concert.  Scootster and I were discussing the dorkiness of wearing the band’s shirt to their show…it’s kind of a DUH! thing to do, because you’re obviously a fan or you wouldn’t be there in the first place.  Wearing their shirt is just overkill, trying too hard.  I do like concert shirts, though, but why the hell are they so damn pricey?  I’m not paying $40 for a tshirt, hell no…especially when I can get it off eBay for less some other day.

Happy Sunday, all!

Minime & Kat ponder “definitely maybe”

Minime and I watched Definitely Maybe this morning.  It has Ryan Reynolds in it…who somewhat scares me a little in every movie (even comedies) ever since I saw him in the Amityville remake.

Anyway, the point of the movie is Ryan’s character Will telling his daughter the story of the big loves of his life, how he met her mother and where he is in his life now that they are divorcing.  The story spans years, with one character who keeps reappearing in the story.  April (played by Isla Fisher, perhaps best known as Borat’s baby mama?) is the bohemian smartass that weaves in and out of the tale…and she loves Will but the timing is off.  The day she comes back from months of traveling to tell Will she loves him, he’s proposing to someone else he met while April was gone.   More time passes and when Will (typical slow draggin’ ass male) finally comes to tell her he loves her too, she’s cohabitating with some other guy.  And so it goes, back and forth, time passing, weddings, careers, kids, divorces.  Of course, it has a Hollywood ending (spoiler alert) when Will’s daughter tells him she just wants him to be happy, so together, at the very end they go and get the girl.

Minime wanted to ponder and reflect on this movie, so here’s the dialogue that went down on the couch as the credits rolled a few minutes ago…

The Kid: Hey, do you think that ever happens or is it made up?

Me: What?

The Kid: That people don’t marry the one they really really reallllllllllly love.  Will loved the girl’s mommy that he married, but he loved April in a better way for a longer time.

Me: Errrrrrrrrrrrr…Yes, I guess.  I think people marry people they love, but maybe not always their one great big true love.  Maybe.  I dunno.

The Kid:  That’s stupid to do.

Me: Uhhh, yes, but it happens.  (this is the part where I deftly try to change the subject) We should go out to lunch!

The Kid: (The Kid is even more conversationally persistent than I am, and she’s not done) I’m not hungry.  Why would people not marry their big love person?  That’s just dumb.  You marry your big love person and have babies and smile at each other a lot.

Me:  Errrrrrrr…Just like in the movie, honey.  Timing, I guess.  April loved him, but he was with someone else because he didn’t have any idea at all that she loved him.  But then he knew, and when he was ready to love her, she’d moved on.  Let’s go to IHOP!

The Kid:  I don’t want to go to IHOP.  Why do people move on?

Me:  Errrrrrrrrr, wow, kiddo, you’re killing me a little today! I guess people move on because no one wants to be all alone, and maybe they’re afraid they’ll never get to have that, what did you call them, “big love person.” They’re afraid they’ll never have that person.

The Kid: Crap, that’s stupid.  Of course you can have your big love person, but sometimes you have to wait a long time, like in the movie.

Me: Don’t say “crap,” you’re not allowed to say that.  Maybe so, kiddo, maybe so…and I think we’re going to skip romantic comedies from now on, ok?

The Kid: No, you need to watch them so you can figure love out.  (and with that, Miss Priss bounced off the couch…)

OH MY GOD.  I think my kid just schooled me on life and love as she flounced off to straighten her hair.  And I think………………………………………………………………………..sigh, sigh, sigh.  I think I’ll just rent all the Death Wish movies tonight to wash all this nonsense out of my brain.

Your Nose

I can’t believe you had a nose job.  Do you know what a regular person could do with that kind of money?  Good gawd, I could go on a week’s vacation, pay off a credit card, get a massage and throw one hell of a party, and I’d still have money to spare for what you’ve spent on something that didn’t freakin’ need fixing!

I was looking at our high school yearbook photos just last week at Scootster’s house when I was drinking all his beers…you were cute then, dorky cute, hadn’t quite grown into your calm, confident sense of self yet.  And as an adult, 4 out of 4 people that I surveyed told me they thought your nose was just fine and that you were a good lookin’ guy.

Ah, but now it’s your old nose.  Your old nose was fine.  We must talk about it in the past tense.  Your old nose.  Now you have a nice new nose.  I wonder if I’d still recognize you…I’ve known you since we were Minime’s age, I wonder if my brain can wrap itself around the idea of your new feature–I have the photo you took of yourself on the plane last year, such a good photo, but would I know you today?

It’s just weird for me to think about.  I like to see the familiar angles of my friends’ faces as the years pass.  I take comfort in that familiarity.  And you chose to change that, your choice of course, your call to make and really not my business, but it’s so strange to me, hard for me to understand it.  I don’t choose my friends because of their appearances or their checkbooks or the cars they drive, so in that light, you are my friend no matter how old or new your nose…I send my love, I wish you a speedy recovery and when all’s well, I want to see.  I hope the change brings you confidence and peace.


When you’re as important (and moody) as I am, it’s terrific to know that all I have to do is wish for things and there are people who want to make my dreams come true.

Why, just yesterday, I gently kindly wistfully wished aloud for some bacon for a late breakfast.  Or maybe I said I’m starving, why the hell hasn’t anyone around here brought me any freakin’ bacon yet?  I tend to believe I was delicate and sweet in my humble wish…and before I knew it, there was warm crispy bacon being delivered to my office.  I’ll point out that I don’t work in food service and there was no bacon in the building at the time of my request, I just wanted it and someone made it happen for me; this bacon was a special delivery.

If my being in print in Mountain Xpress and being on television this week wasn’t proof enough that the world revolves around me, the bacon, that’s all the proof I need.

Kool Aid

You know you’re a parent when you’ve had a really sucky day at work…so you go to the kitchen to mix up a stiff drink or 3…you open the fridge in search of something to mix with Absolut and all you can come up with is Capri Sun, Kool Aid and strawberry milk.  The milk is automatically out of the question since I can’t drink milk.  I really wanted the Capri Sun but decided getting it out of its little pouch thing was just too much work given the day I’d had.  I chose the Kool Aid…and I must say it really wasn’t half bad!


Last night, I slept ten hours.  Ten solid hours.  Must not have moved much, woke up with pillow imprints on the side of my face and a pain in my neck.  But, man, that kind of sleep is just freakin’ delicious when you sleep intermittently like I do. 

Generally, I can fall asleep pretty easily, but I can’t stay asleep.  I feel blessed if I get two to four hours of sleep without waking; this week, I was sleeping in 45 minute intervals, waking up, flipping the pillow over, adjusting the blankets, watching the clock, dozing for another 45 minutes or so.  I usually stay in the bed until sleep returns, because if I get up, I’ll end up watching a movie or folding laundry or repairing drywall and that’s just ridiculous.  Sometimes I do send emails if I’ve been staring into the dark for a long time, but I try to at least do that from my crackberry while still in the cozy bed.

Last night, I went to bed after I tucked the three tweenagers into their nest, and I didn’t wake up, not once, until I heard the girls giggling over cartoons in broad daylight.  Awesome!  I was so kind and sweet this morning; all I was lacking was some bluebirds to twitter around me as I made breakfast for the wild girls.  My day got off to a grand start.  And then……….someone said oh when I sleep like that, then I don’t sleep well for days.

THANKS FOR THE JINX! Who’s up now wide awake goofing off on the computer when she should be sleeping in preparation for the AM roadtrip?!?  Sigh.  I am at least going to turn off this high-tech contraption and hang out with my pillows and blankets in hopes that a wave of sleep might crash over me sometime soon.  G’nite, all, g’nite.