
Last night, I slept ten hours.  Ten solid hours.  Must not have moved much, woke up with pillow imprints on the side of my face and a pain in my neck.  But, man, that kind of sleep is just freakin’ delicious when you sleep intermittently like I do. 

Generally, I can fall asleep pretty easily, but I can’t stay asleep.  I feel blessed if I get two to four hours of sleep without waking; this week, I was sleeping in 45 minute intervals, waking up, flipping the pillow over, adjusting the blankets, watching the clock, dozing for another 45 minutes or so.  I usually stay in the bed until sleep returns, because if I get up, I’ll end up watching a movie or folding laundry or repairing drywall and that’s just ridiculous.  Sometimes I do send emails if I’ve been staring into the dark for a long time, but I try to at least do that from my crackberry while still in the cozy bed.

Last night, I went to bed after I tucked the three tweenagers into their nest, and I didn’t wake up, not once, until I heard the girls giggling over cartoons in broad daylight.  Awesome!  I was so kind and sweet this morning; all I was lacking was some bluebirds to twitter around me as I made breakfast for the wild girls.  My day got off to a grand start.  And then……….someone said oh when I sleep like that, then I don’t sleep well for days.

THANKS FOR THE JINX! Who’s up now wide awake goofing off on the computer when she should be sleeping in preparation for the AM roadtrip?!?  Sigh.  I am at least going to turn off this high-tech contraption and hang out with my pillows and blankets in hopes that a wave of sleep might crash over me sometime soon.  G’nite, all, g’nite.