followup on the stp show

Here’s a video snippet from this weekend’s show—NOT MY VIDEO!! Can’t take credit for it, but the photos in the post from Monday morning are mine.  Since all I posted in my 3 AM haze were a few photos…here’s the scoop…

The show was in Charlotte on Sunday: Stone Temple Pilots with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club opening.  I took my brother with me to the show and we were in such a great spot!  There was a small pit (ok, it’s not really a pit as far as I’m concerned if there’s no moshing allowed, so it boils down to be a small area of concrete where a few people stood) in front of the seats, and then we were in the very front row of seats.  We had a great view of everything! Fan club pre-sale seats are the bomb!

I wasn’t too familiar with BRMC, so I looked up some of their tunes on Napster before the show.  Honestly, the tunes online didn’t dazzle me.  They weren’t bad, but it didn’t grab me.  Live, though, they were really good, rougher around the edges than the polished studio stuff.  I liked their sound live, so I’d see them again if I had the opportunity.

When it came down to STP, they were late taking the stage…almost an hour late!  Talk about an angry crowd—-in our seats, since we were in the very front, we had plenty of leg room to stretch out and relax and wait it out, but everyone else was not quite so comfy.  As we rolled around to the 45 minute mark in waiting, the crowd was starting to boo and yell not very nice things about how the band needed to put down the smack and get on the stage.  Yeah, it was tense…

…But all the tension evaporated the moment they hit the stage and placated us all with Big Empty:slow, powerful and amazing.  Wow!  They visited songs from all their albums as Scott Weiland removed his layers, starting with his hat, then leather jacket, then vest and working his way through what seemed like a million scarves until he was down to being open-shirted at the last song.  Scott Weiland has a scarf guy: a roadie whose primary duty is to help untie knots and remove the layers as they come off…oh, the scarf guy also grabs maracas when they are discarded so the famous rock stars don’t trip over them.  I want a scarf guy.

It was awesome, there’s just no other way to put it!  They did a whole lot more songs from their first album then I would’ve guessed—oftentimes, a band neglects its beginnings when they become famous, but they did 3 or 4 tunes from their first recording.  Worth the price of admission and then some!

 Big thanks to my little bro for the AWESOME (overpriced!) long sleeved tshirt.  Hope your Mrs. digs the shirt I picked for her, and if not, wrap it up and give it to me for my birthday. 



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