PRODUCTION, my ass! HA!!!!!!! Ya sneaky bastard.
Category: Uncategorized
tropic thunder
just go see it. it’s probably going to offend you and everyone you know—it’s an equal opportunity offender…but it is funny as hell!
followup on the stp show
Here’s a video snippet from this weekend’s show—NOT MY VIDEO!! Can’t take credit for it, but the photos in the post from Monday morning are mine. Since all I posted in my 3 AM haze were a few photos…here’s the scoop…
The show was in Charlotte on Sunday: Stone Temple Pilots with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club opening. I took my brother with me to the show and we were in such a great spot! There was a small pit (ok, it’s not really a pit as far as I’m concerned if there’s no moshing allowed, so it boils down to be a small area of concrete where a few people stood) in front of the seats, and then we were in the very front row of seats. We had a great view of everything! Fan club pre-sale seats are the bomb!
I wasn’t too familiar with BRMC, so I looked up some of their tunes on Napster before the show. Honestly, the tunes online didn’t dazzle me. They weren’t bad, but it didn’t grab me. Live, though, they were really good, rougher around the edges than the polished studio stuff. I liked their sound live, so I’d see them again if I had the opportunity.
When it came down to STP, they were late taking the stage…almost an hour late! Talk about an angry crowd—-in our seats, since we were in the very front, we had plenty of leg room to stretch out and relax and wait it out, but everyone else was not quite so comfy. As we rolled around to the 45 minute mark in waiting, the crowd was starting to boo and yell not very nice things about how the band needed to put down the smack and get on the stage. Yeah, it was tense…
…But all the tension evaporated the moment they hit the stage and placated us all with Big Empty:slow, powerful and amazing. Wow! They visited songs from all their albums as Scott Weiland removed his layers, starting with his hat, then leather jacket, then vest and working his way through what seemed like a million scarves until he was down to being open-shirted at the last song. Scott Weiland has a scarf guy: a roadie whose primary duty is to help untie knots and remove the layers as they come off…oh, the scarf guy also grabs maracas when they are discarded so the famous rock stars don’t trip over them. I want a scarf guy.
It was awesome, there’s just no other way to put it! They did a whole lot more songs from their first album then I would’ve guessed—oftentimes, a band neglects its beginnings when they become famous, but they did 3 or 4 tunes from their first recording. Worth the price of admission and then some!
Big thanks to my little bro for the AWESOME (overpriced!) long sleeved tshirt. Hope your Mrs. digs the shirt I picked for her, and if not, wrap it up and give it to me for my birthday.
Minime & Kat ponder “definitely maybe”
Minime and I watched Definitely Maybe this morning. It has Ryan Reynolds in it…who somewhat scares me a little in every movie (even comedies) ever since I saw him in the Amityville remake.
Anyway, the point of the movie is Ryan’s character Will telling his daughter the story of the big loves of his life, how he met her mother and where he is in his life now that they are divorcing. The story spans years, with one character who keeps reappearing in the story. April (played by Isla Fisher, perhaps best known as Borat’s baby mama?) is the bohemian smartass that weaves in and out of the tale…and she loves Will but the timing is off. The day she comes back from months of traveling to tell Will she loves him, he’s proposing to someone else he met while April was gone. More time passes and when Will (typical slow draggin’ ass male) finally comes to tell her he loves her too, she’s cohabitating with some other guy. And so it goes, back and forth, time passing, weddings, careers, kids, divorces. Of course, it has a Hollywood ending (spoiler alert) when Will’s daughter tells him she just wants him to be happy, so together, at the very end they go and get the girl.
Minime wanted to ponder and reflect on this movie, so here’s the dialogue that went down on the couch as the credits rolled a few minutes ago…
The Kid: Hey, do you think that ever happens or is it made up?
Me: What?
The Kid: That people don’t marry the one they really really reallllllllllly love. Will loved the girl’s mommy that he married, but he loved April in a better way for a longer time.
Me: Errrrrrrrrrrrr…Yes, I guess. I think people marry people they love, but maybe not always their one great big true love. Maybe. I dunno.
The Kid: That’s stupid to do.
Me: Uhhh, yes, but it happens. (this is the part where I deftly try to change the subject) We should go out to lunch!
The Kid: (The Kid is even more conversationally persistent than I am, and she’s not done) I’m not hungry. Why would people not marry their big love person? That’s just dumb. You marry your big love person and have babies and smile at each other a lot.
Me: Errrrrrrr…Just like in the movie, honey. Timing, I guess. April loved him, but he was with someone else because he didn’t have any idea at all that she loved him. But then he knew, and when he was ready to love her, she’d moved on. Let’s go to IHOP!
The Kid: I don’t want to go to IHOP. Why do people move on?
Me: Errrrrrrrrr, wow, kiddo, you’re killing me a little today! I guess people move on because no one wants to be all alone, and maybe they’re afraid they’ll never get to have that, what did you call them, “big love person.” They’re afraid they’ll never have that person.
The Kid: Crap, that’s stupid. Of course you can have your big love person, but sometimes you have to wait a long time, like in the movie.
Me: Don’t say “crap,” you’re not allowed to say that. Maybe so, kiddo, maybe so…and I think we’re going to skip romantic comedies from now on, ok?
The Kid: No, you need to watch them so you can figure love out. (and with that, Miss Priss bounced off the couch…)
OH MY GOD. I think my kid just schooled me on life and love as she flounced off to straighten her hair. And I think………………………………………………………………………..sigh, sigh, sigh. I think I’ll just rent all the Death Wish movies tonight to wash all this nonsense out of my brain.
Deleted some legitimate comments this morning from my blog posts—sorry, all. I was coping with a deluge of spam comments and got a little click happy.
Please leave comments! I like them! I’ll be a more cautious clicker in the future.
Girl, I’m so psyched that you got a new job and you’re moving and good for you!! I’m so proud, like I raised you from a pup myself.
But I’ll miss you! Who will be concerned over Brangelina and TomKat with me? Who will reflect over Pam and Tommy Lee: on again, off again? Who will eat wheat-free breakfast cereals with me mixed with applesauce and berries?!?!? OH MY GAWD DON’T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
(good luck on your new adventures—The Kat Box goes with you wherever you are!)
hey you!
you can do it! yeah!
To the V-Man
Hey, to you and the Mrs…happy 14 years! That’s something to brag about since you actually still like each other after all this time.
And happy one year as a survivor–I raise a glass to many more for you.
It’s been a while, hasn’t it, since we reflected on and pondered my toes covered in honey…let’s think about that for a minute, shall we? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. Hmmmmmmm.
I’m better today
I don’t have enough thank you’s to properly thank Sparky for talking me down off the ledge yesterday. I’m so used to people trying to shove me off said ledge that I really didn’t know how to handle being calmly talked down. I kind of felt like a wild dog that someone was trying to woo into submission with bologna slices…wary, apprehensive and nervous, should I take the bologna or just bite him? Thank you for caring, Sparky; I don’t wanna get all mushy on ya because it’s far too early in the day for that nonsense, but it means the world to me and then some.
I must’ve been in bad shape since Stampin T has already come by this morning to make sure I’m ok. She said I was the most stressed she’d ever seen me in eight years yesterday…and as a coworker and member of the same team at work, she’s seen me in some stellar moments over the years, so I guess yesterday was a doozie.
Gawd bless Scootster for taking Minime overnight to play with his wild girl, feeding us dinner and letting me drink not just the beer in front of my plate, but the beer in front of his plate, too, and the one after that and the one after that. I owe ya.
Thanks—I’ll try to do better and not stifle everything down until I snap, but I can’t promise anything…old habits, ya know. You can throw the bologna my way—I might eat it or I might take your fingers off, but thanks for trying anyway.