Remembering Chris

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In April of 2007, I had an email exchange with my friend Chris.  We talked about silly stuff, like an online article about the rebirth of the boy band Menudo, and important stuff, like how he was looking for a law school.  He’d visited Tulane and loved it, and he had snail mailed me some cool goodies from New Orleans.  He was gearing up to visit another law school, this time in Hawaii.  Selfishly, I didn’t want him to go to school in Hawaii; we seldom saw each other in person with our work lives in different parts of NC, but gosh, if he moved to Hawaii, that would be way too far apart.  I was hoping he’d pick Tulane, and I’d get a great excuse to see New Orleans to visit him there.

In 2007, we were in our early thirties and we’d been friends since 8th grade.  We’d made a pact that if we were both single at age 40 that we’d just go ahead and marry each other because a few decades of friendship sounded like as good a foundation for a marriage as anything else we’d heard.  It’s worth noting when I mention the marriage idea that we didn’t have some big romance going on or anything like that; we’d just been friends seemingly forever and had the best time when we hung out together, so it was just one idea amongst thousands of other goofy things we’d talked about over the years in the way old friends talk about anything and everything.  Chris was a good friend to me, just an energetic beacon of goodness, light and laughter.

On that trip to Hawaii with plans to visit a law school, snapping photos along the way as Chris did all the time as a photographer and environmental journalist, a local man on drugs took objection to the photography and landed a blow to Chris’ head that resulted in a fatal brain hemorrhage.  Just like that, poof, all the promise, all the light…extinguished by one man’s anger under the influence.

I still dream that I am talking to Chris sometimes, always so vivid, that he’s called to say he’s coming back from some conference or another, that he’s grabbed boiled peanuts for me at the South Carolina state line and that he’ll stop by to visit before heading home.  I dream that we laugh and listen to music.  Last night, though, I had a dream that was just a repeat of the day I learned he’d passed away and the surreal drive to Apex for his service the next day…in the dream, I stood up and spoke briefly at his service just as I did in 2007 and in the dream, I drove home crying, 2007 all over again.  I woke up crying.  I miss my friend.

In 2007, I thought all the light went out when that stranger took his life, but all these years later I realize it didn’t, not really.  Five lives were saved when Chris passed away by his decision to be an organ donor, so there is light and life still carrying on because of him.  I smile when I think of the goofy conversations we had.  I remember how much he loved his big sister, how he loved his mom, how he loved his dog and when we were older, how much he loved being an uncle.  I still have the little voodoo protection doll he sent me from New Orleans, and I have the copies of CDs he made me to support his side of any argument over what band was better in any given discussion…those things make me smile.  As long as Chris is not forgotten, the light has not gone out.  I do feel sad, like today when I woke from the dream, but mostly I try to remember the good stuff, like eating pizza and drinking beer at Mellow Mushroom or even sitting together at the library desk in middle school where we were “working” (eating peppermints and being silly in hushed voices mostly).  Chris changed my life for the better; he was sunshine, light, moonbeams, rainbows, ocean waves…all the good stuff a person could hope to be.  Sure, he could be an absolute smartass, but mostly he was a loyal, good-hearted friend.  Miss you much today, Chris, wherever you are, wherever we go when we leave these bodies behind.


still working on my other site…

hard to find time, but trying to poke at the new site with a stick here and there.  and this site could use some tlc— and i mean improving, not tlc the girl group.

mad props to blue dozen design for patiently answering my wordpress questions while i promptly reply back that nevermind, i figured it out.  it’s like wordpress therapy, minus beanbag chairs.  blue dozen design, ya’ll for all your smart snazzy design needs…blue dozen design, got it?

bday wishes

‘Round this time o’ year we wish our JDDog a very happy birthday…and soon, same to Uncle Lane.

It’s important to not just wish them a happy bday, but thank them for this blog…once upon a time, JDDog, Uncle Lane, and Uncle Doogie gave me a forum for my words on…now, they never said I was any good, mind you, but they gave me a space and said “do your thing.” And words are my thing.  They gave me a corner of the world wide web and let me spew my randomness…and when FreakinAsheville was no more, JDDog kept me truckin’ on a new domain.

Even though they are the ones with the birthdays, they gave me the gift: the gift of doing my thing.  I know now that read or unread, writing a decade of words has kept me sane.  A place to write, a space to fill, has been my life raft in some dark times and my playground on happy days.  Thanks, thanks, thanks…and happy birthday.


Eeeeek, Stop Trying to “Fix” Me

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I’ve noticed lately that to the outside world, how I show up isn’t quite good enough…and the well-meaning do-gooders of the world seem to have no problem telling me how I could improve.  There are perhaps too many unfiltered ambassadors of helpfulness in my social circle right now.  I didn’t ask for their advice, but golly, they sure are generous and overly direct with it.  It’s overwhelming sometimes to get into my happy groove, my positive mindset, feeling unstoppable, and BOOM! There’s someone pointing out all the ways I could be better, look better, live better…and I’m not broken! I don’t want you to try to fix me.

One well-meaning do-gooder wants me to lose weight, take up a specific exercise regime and exist entirely on bars and powders and supplements, oh my!  I hurt my ankle badly last year.  I spent months in agony even when I was sitting down, only doing prescribed stretching and strength training exercises per doctor’s orders.  I gained some weight, yup, but really, it’s been the lowest of my concerns.  I have been permitted in the last couple weeks to finally go for walks (on level surfaces only!) after almost of a year of minimal movement.  On my first walk, I was feeling so exhilarated to finally be able to move without white hot pain, feeling so giddy in the simplicity of taking literal steps forward.  I am so proud and happy of standing on my own two feet!

Another do-gooder thinks I will go farther in my career if I put on “preppy” clothes.  Hmmmmm.  I wear professional clothes to my day gig, but I seldom wear suits.  I am incredibly unproductive in a suit, struggling like a fidgety five year old forced into “church clothes.” In a suit, all I can think about it how I wish I was wearing something else!  I’m feeling accomplished, professional, productive and effective in what I have on, thanks.

Still another do-gooder believes that I will never “find a man” if I continue to wear sneakers all the time.  What!?! After several foot injuries and injuries to both ankles, all in the last decade, I’m pretty much on sneaker patrol all the time.  I am confident that a loving, solid, trustworthy partner won’t care what shoes I wear.  Is this really a thing? Do men only date women in stripper heels? I don’t think I’m buying what you’re selling.

I don’t need “fixing.”  Sure, I’m a work in progress, ever changing, dynamic, but there’s nothing “wrong” with me.  I like me.  I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove me, sneakers and all.

I still want it

I put myself “out there” for the crazy scholarship program that required me to make a YouTube video of myself (eek, so outside my comfort zone) and Tweet about the program…and pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.  No scholarship for me.  I don’t feel like a failure because I sure as hell stepped way outside my box and tried something brand new to get something I wanted, but I am sorely disappointed.  Bummer.  I still want it.  I still want to attend the program.

All my “sources” of woowoo mystical inspiration, manifestation and positive inspiration say to make something happen, you have to believe in it, want it, imagine yourself doing the “it” that you desire.  I’m stirring up the positive mojo and affirming my little heart out.  I’m writing it down.  I’m typing it out.  I’m imagining the learning and the inspiration and the work that I will have to put into the class.  I can feel the pride of accomplishment and the feeling of forward movement as I learn things that will help me transition into my next chapter of life.  I’m lighting candles.  I’m seeing myself logging into the coursework, turning in assignments, burning a little midnight oil to get it all done around work and parenting. I want this.

If you’re reading this, help me out, would ya? Affirm that Kat gets to attend B-School in 2014.  Affirm that the Universe opens up a way that Kat can attend and complete B-School!  Thank you, friends.  Thank you, Universe.

Happy Valentine’s Day 2014

On this Valentine’s Day, a quote from Paulo Coelho to share: “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”

Now, this quote isn’t just about your romantic heart, folks, although that’s certainly a valid quote for romance as well.

This quote for me is about your life’s passion, your heart’s desire.  Do what you love and  love what you do, that sort of mojo.  I’ve spent the last several years pondering what I really want to do with my time, with my work.  I’ve explored some great books and subscribed to some wonderful email newsletters to keep my focus.  I’ve paddled through a sea of self doubt before arriving on the shore ready to rock and roll.  I think I have my head and heart aligned when I say I want to write, coach, speak, train for a living, helping folks consider ways over, around or through what they perceive as their obstacles.  I like to help people get unstuck, and I know I’m good at it.  Maybe we’ll toss a little tarot reading in there for good measure just because I like it and it’s fun.  I’m putting this out there to you, kind reader, and to the Universe to help my dreams and aspirations become real.  It would be a big change from my day job, but I’m so over doing what I “have” to do and what I’m “supposed” to do, and I am ready to do more of what I want to do and what I was born to do.  Can I get an “Amen?!”

On a Valentine’s note, for those in my circle of love, I’m pretty darn sure you know you are loved by me, because I suck at hiding my enthusiasm!  You’re loved every day, not just when Hallmark tells me I should buy a card.

Au Revoir, 2013!!

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2013 is drawing to a close on this coast. 2013 kicked my ass in many ways…but there were blessings, too.

I didn’t get the big job I applied for, but as 2013 wraps up, I am grateful, because it’s not a place I want to work after all, no matter the position. I had a massive breakup, but on the bright side, I did not have a breakdown; on a related note, I read an article today that mentioned letting go of hatred toward all former love partners because the failure of the relationship didn’t make the love itself wrong since we all deserve a chance to love and be loved…thought that was nice so I’m wedging that concept in here. Finances have been challenging after going back to being a single income household, but the mortgage gets paid each month, there’s food in the cabinets and those are indeed reasons to be grateful. I sprained the crap out of my ankle, jammed my tallus bone under another bone and have been in physical therapy for a few months; the positive there is that I must remember to listen to my body, since I knew something was wrong months ago, but ignored it, and probably made the suffering longer and worse, so, yep, good lesson learned. I met my paternal grandmother this year, but she passed away a few months after we met; my bright spots there are that it was so nice and healing to hear her stories and recollections of my father–hearing her side changed some of my feelings that I’ve carried around for decades, and I am blessed with siblings that I look forward to knowing better. I published a tiny book as practice for bigger endeavors in self publishing so I could figure out the software and the process, and while I didn’t get on any best seller lists, it was so good to at least try my hand at self publishing so I could get over the fear of being out there on a bookshelf, open to criticism…yeah, I still dislike insults about my writing, but I know for sure that writing makes me happy, and I will write and be happy, so there. One of my dearest friends jumped into an rv and drove off with her hubby, but other friends have reappeared after years apart. I turned 40, which was a little stressful being officially middle-aged, but my coworkers and beau really made it a special day for me. A friend passed away at the end of 2013, but there is so much love for him and for our tribe of friends; his legacy is laughter.

Looking ahead into 2014, I want to continue doing the really good stuff like writing books, blogs, and whatever else needs my words, spending fun time with family and friends instead of holing up like a recluse for months on end (but I am truly an introvert, so I will still hole up alone now and then to recharge, just not every single night and weekend), and taking great care of myself, which includes staying in bed when I’m sick, pausing to read a great book, and enjoying dark chocolate without a speck of guilt. To do all that means saying “no” to things I truly don’t want to do, it means not giving all my energy to a job that makes me unhappy, and it means creating and honoring some personal boundaries. Sure, all the usual stuff applies like I’d like to lose weight, exercise, eat more veggies, organize my closets and create a refuge for unwed penguins, but really, I think all that will fall into place on its own if I do all the other stuff. For me, 2014 is about being happy and authentic.

Wishing all of you a happy, prosperous and amazing new year!



Often the world is a selfish place, but I wanted to pause a note some awesomeness, some helpfulness.
A friend I haven’t seen in 20 years not only answered a question I had about setting up something for my lampwork glass work area, he took photos of his work area and type out detailed explanations for me better than I’d found anywhere on the vast Internet. How cool, how helpful! Gestures like that restore my faith in the world.

My blog blew up…and another kind soul put it all back together with ninja-like deftness and even with a few tweaks that made it better! I was a litle freaked, worried my content was lost again…in years of blogging, an upgrade here or there has eaten my posts before, so I was sweating it a little…or a lot, really…a lottle. But poof! Content restored, and blog improved, yeah!!

So thank you, kind friends, for all the things you do. You make me smile!


I was cleaning and cooking for a party on Saturday morning.  I’d been cleaning and cooking for hours in expectation of the arrival of friends and family that would undo all my cleaning efforts in a matter of a few minutes.

While steam mopping the dining room floor, I started thinking of my paternal grandmother and her funeral service a few weeks ago.  No one mentioned whether or not she had cereal bowls in her sink when they visited her over the years.  Not one person at the service praised her sparkling toilet bowl or marveled over how there were never dust bunnies behind her sofa.  They talked about how kind she was and how funny she was.  People told stories about how she made them laugh and adventures they had.  Friends and relatives spoke of my grandmother’s generosity and warmth, and they passed around photos of birthdays and Christmases.  No one ever discussed whether she put out snacks for guests that were store bought or homemade, and no one mentioned how often she Windexed her windows.

Where am I going with this?  Priorities.  How do we lose our way so easily?  We exhaust ourselves cooking and cleaning for six hours for a two hour party, working so darn hard that we’re relieved when everyone leaves and we can finally just collapse in the recliner. 

What if we straightened up the house for just a few minutes and put out whatever snacks we have, even the dreaded store bought ones, and just enjoyed our guests?  What if we put the energy into being present for our friends and family, rather than scrubbing the floors and polishing the tables?  What if we were so full of exuberance over their presence that we hated for them to leave, rather than feeling glad that they finally left?

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t tidy up a little to welcome folks into our homes.  When I visit friends and family, if you have water rings on your coffee table, I don’t care.  I didn’t show up to grade you on your cleaning and peer into your floor vents for lint.  I came to laugh and share some time with you.  I hope when you come to see me that I’m not so exhausted from moving all the furniture around to vacuum that I can actually relax and enjoy the visit…and I hope you’re not coming over to look underneath my couch and recliners!

We waste so much time on the silly stuff.  My guests would’ve like the Walmart bakery brownies just as well as the ones I baked that morning.  They came for a party and parties should be fun.  They came to make memories with me, not grade me on my culinary arts.  When my funeral rolls around someday, no one will say “oh I loved Kat but I wish she would’ve baked us snacks from scratch for her pumpkin party in 2013.”

Priorities.  We worry about how the house looks and how we look.  We expend so much energy into all these little time-sucks that don’t matter at all.

On Sunday, I had a guest coming over in the afternoon.  I showered, but I didn’t get all dressed up, unless you call changing into fresh pajamas getting all dressed up.  I tidied up a speck after the previous day’s party, but I didn’t dust, vacuum, polish and whatever else I “should’ve” done…and you know what? We had a marvelous afternoon, one of the best in recent memory.  I had energy to be fully present and we whiled away hours talking about everything and nothing…and it was fantastic.

Priorities.  Focus.  Remember the point of the effort you’re making.  If you’ll be too tired to enjoy the party, there’s no point in throwing the party at all!

foul weather friends revisited

Fair weather friends: they only like you when everything’s coming up roses.
Instead of those, I have some foul weather friends: they only engage and interact when their life sucks. If their life is peachy keen, they don’t pay attention, they don’t listen, they fall off the map. If they are partnered up in coupledom, they ignore the hell out of me. They, quite frankly, are sucking as friends right now.
I guess someday when it rains and pours on them again, when they aren’t all coupled up, they might want to listen to me when I talk or want me to listen to them. I may not be available that day. Leave your message at the motherfucking beep.