Happy Valentine’s Day 2014

On this Valentine’s Day, a quote from Paulo Coelho to share: “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”

Now, this quote isn’t just about your romantic heart, folks, although that’s certainly a valid quote for romance as well.

This quote for me is about your life’s passion, your heart’s desire.  Do what you love and  love what you do, that sort of mojo.  I’ve spent the last several years pondering what I really want to do with my time, with my work.  I’ve explored some great books and subscribed to some wonderful email newsletters to keep my focus.  I’ve paddled through a sea of self doubt before arriving on the shore ready to rock and roll.  I think I have my head and heart aligned when I say I want to write, coach, speak, train for a living, helping folks consider ways over, around or through what they perceive as their obstacles.  I like to help people get unstuck, and I know I’m good at it.  Maybe we’ll toss a little tarot reading in there for good measure just because I like it and it’s fun.  I’m putting this out there to you, kind reader, and to the Universe to help my dreams and aspirations become real.  It would be a big change from my day job, but I’m so over doing what I “have” to do and what I’m “supposed” to do, and I am ready to do more of what I want to do and what I was born to do.  Can I get an “Amen?!”

On a Valentine’s note, for those in my circle of love, I’m pretty darn sure you know you are loved by me, because I suck at hiding my enthusiasm!  You’re loved every day, not just when Hallmark tells me I should buy a card.