A few words for Chris…r.i.p.

Christopher G. Reuther 1973-2007

It’s been almost a year since you left us, Chris, and while I still can’t talk about how it happened without turning into a sobbing wreck, I can talk about you and our adventures without feeling sad.  You were a great friend all those years, from eating too many peppermints in the library in 8th grade with me right up through your travels in April 2007. Thank you for pointing out “Eat Me” on the Beastie Boys album cover and for sitting with me on the bus on field trips instead of with the guys.  Thank you for enduring “The Doors” movie at Biltmore Square even though I’m pretty sure you didn’t want to see that one at all!  Thank you for making me laugh so hard on my wedding day and for all those wonderful photos you took.  Thank you for sending me goofy stuff in the mail and for letting me order the jerk chicken pizza even though I could tell you wanted something else entirely, but the ice cold Kashmir IPA we could both agree upon.

You were special to so many people all around the world, and I know that I was blessed to be your friend.  Miss you, buddy.

i don’t even remember where this caught my eye today…

… but it’s been on my mind for several hours now.  Something to the effect of:

We spend so much time building our lives (house, car, career), we forget to spend time living our lives.  True, isn’t it?  Gotta look hot, gotta get a spouse, gotta get a house we probably can’t afford but that makes people jealous, gotta have some kids, can’t spend any time with the kids or the spouse because we gotta get ahead at work because we gotta get the coolest SUV that we can’t afford anymore than the house we picked…

I’m just as guilty as anyone else of ignoring real life stuff in order to maintain appearances at times, to get “ahead.”  But ahead of what??  When I’m on my deathbed at 117 years of age, will my daughter’s children take my hand, shake their heads and wish that I’d only had a cooler car?? “Oh, if only Granny Kat had a sunroof and heated seats in that car of hers, her life would’ve been so much richer.”

I have a friend so wrapped up in the illusions and expectations of the world that he’s working his ass off in college at age 30…for a degree he doesn’t really want in a field of study that he doesn’t care about.  Why? Because he HAS to have a college degree, as decreed by THEM, whoever they are, in a “respectable” field of study.  He is stressed beyond belief, frenzied to the point of yammering on about ridiculous jibberish at midnight just to reach some goal he’s supposed to attain.  He isn’t living the life he wants, he’s building a foundation that will put him in a career, because we all have to have a career, not just a job, of course…and it will be a career that is the complete opposite of anything that warms his spirit.  I can tell him that it’s ok to chuck the whole thing and follow his heart, but he worries about what other people will think.

Another friend admits that he is absolutely miserable in his marriage and has been for years, that he’s just marking time until his kids are older (how old? 18? 25?) and it’s ok to get out.  He has the kids, the spouse, a house, the pets, the career, but where is the joy? Is it natural and normal to deprive yourself of happiness in order to paint the picture of a terrific family to the outside world?

Hell if I know.  I work in an environment that has caused me to have such serious and constant stress-related health issues that my doctor’s office knows me by my voice on the phone.  Add to that the dentist that has had to “re-contour” my teeth with his buzzsaw tool thing this week because I’ve ground my teeth down to a level of agonizing discomfort through about 8 years of jaw-clenching at work.  But it’s a good job, right?  Why should I enjoy the workplace when I get decent insurance?  I shouldn’t be happy at my job, should I?

The obvious answers are hard to face up to, but for myself, for my friends, we should all start living, even in just baby steps. 

Quote o’ the Day

Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But, conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now what do I do with the ring?

I’m mad right now, so now is not a good time for decision making…but I’m wondering what I do with my engagement ring?  Going back in time to my first marriage to Minime’s dad, we had very little money, so my engagement ring and wedding band had only sentimental value, no dollar value.  I saved those rings for Minime to have when she’s older if she wants them.

Fast forward a decade to now, and Mr. Kat 2.0 gave me a lovely diamond ring for our engagement (not the ring I wanted, mind you, but that’s another blog), one that was not cheap.  According to the law, it’s my ring to keep…but what the hell do I do with it? 

Every time I see the ring in my jewelry box, it reminds me both of wonderful times when I believed that Mr. Kat 2.0 and I were a perfect match and it reminds me of lies, disappointments and dreams crushed to dust.  After a day like today, I wish I could do something dramatic and spirit-smashing to Mr. Kat 2.0 with it, but I know that’s not right.  I will wish him well even if he doesn’t wish the same for me.

Do I sell it for some microscopic fraction of what it’s worth?  Do I throw it in the ocean?  Do I offer it back to Mr. Kat 2.0 to give to his next woman because what woman wouldn’t love a pre-enjoyed ring full of bad vibes?   I don’t know, I just don’t know.  To put it away for Minime seems weird because at this pace, she’ll inherit more rings than she has fingers.  Any ideas?  Let me know.

I am a waste of time

For those of you not paying attention, Mr. Kat 2.0 and I have been separated for about 8 months, on our way to what was to be a fairly amicable divorce, as amicable as these things can be.  I will still stand by my original plan of not trash talking him as best I can, but I’m pretty dismayed this evening.

Minime and I were out of town for the week of Christmas.  Mr. Kat 2.0 called several million times that week, quite upset, all “I miss you” blah blah blah, “let’s talk” yadda yadda yadda.  And I was all like “we can talk when I get back in town.”  But when I was getting back to town was the day he was to be leaving town on his own little vacation, so a few weeks pass.

And in this few weeks time, I’m thinking thinking thinking, losing sleep.  I’m trying to put myself in his shoes, understand where his sadness is coming from, trying to get a grip on what it would take for us to potentially reconcile.  Hard things to think about, really tough matters of the heart.  I considered what I would expect from him and wondered what he would expect from me in return.

When I finally do get to speak to him in private, no Minime ears listening, all he wants to know is how soon he can divorce me.  He’s apparently zipped right past all that missing me he was doing, do not pass go, do not collect $200, when can he divorce me.  I was FURIOUS! I’m still pretty pissed, just thinking about it.  Jerk me around with a sad story, have me pondering getting back together, only to turn around and want to get in the express line for divorce.

I told him he had to wait out the full year to be divorced and he was not pleased.  He actually asked me to fake the date of our separation so he could just “get this over with.”  Needless to say, that conversation didn’t go well.

In Mr. Kat 2.0’s favor, I will say he and Minime get along very well as long as they aren’t living in the same house.  They usually do something a couple Saturdays a month, and that’s great.  I’m pleased they get along so well now that they have some space between them, and I won’t stand in the way of their fun.

Today was one of their days for fun, and when Mr. Kat 2.0 brought Minime home at the end of their outing, he of course has to blurt out something rude and snarky to me.  And I fell for it, hook, line and sinker and rattled off a string of nasty remarks like machine gun fire.  And he left.

I felt bad immediately.  No matter what he said to me, there was no need for me to stoop to that level, no need for me to let loose with all that negativity, very uncool of me.  So after a bit, I called him up to apologize for being so nasty and to let him know that I was still pretty peeved about the Christmas-boohoo-I-miss-you-so-much to the complete opposite Happy-New-Year-divorce-me-now emotional roller coaster he had me on.  Told him I was mad and hurt and my defenses were up and all that.

And because he apparently likes nothing better than hurting my feelings, he said he didn’t really mean all that he said at Christmas.  He really meant that he missed my house since it was bigger and roomier than where he’s living now and he missed the big television and things like that, that he never meant that he actually missed me or being a family.  Now, at this point, my stomach is absolutely sour, I think I’m going to throw up because this was not the conversation I’d called to have, but Mr. Kat 2.0 isn’t done yet!  Oh no, he has more!  In fact, he wants me to know that he wishes we’d separated sooner because our marriage was really just a waste of his time–more specifically, I, Kat, was a waste of his time and that he can’t believe he’s wasted this much of his life on me.  I thanked him for clearing everything up, and hung up on him.

And so here I am, blogging right along because I can’t think of anything else to do with my restless hurt heart.  Our separation hasn’t been all unicorns and rainbows and fuzziness, but it really has not been ugly.  It has been full of wishing each other the best as we go in different directions, up until now.  Telling me that our relationship, our dreams and plans, were all just a waste of time is very possibly the meanest thing anyone has said to me in recent years, because it cut so very close to the soul.  He essentially said he’d have been better off without knowing me, and I don’t believe that to be true.

My perspective is that it is hard and sad to end this marriage, and that I was willing to go through counseling to see if we could pull it together.  Mr. Kat 2.0 disappointed me in some tremendous ways that I don’t care to go into, but I never saw our marriage as a waste of my time, even at this moment.  I learned many things from him and we shared some really neat times, and even as the whole thing imploded, I never thought of it as a waste.  Every experience is a gift if we look at what we’ve learned, what we’ve gained from it.

But according to Mr. Kat 2.0, I am a waste of his time.  And that stings.

New Year, new post…

First, yes, I do have heat as the potential for serious winter weather bears down upon us.  But I’m not sure if it really worksworks for real, or if it has just been rigged to work temporarily, since the person who did the work (Mr. Kat 2.0) is not speaking to me for some reason.  So. At the moment, I have heat and I’ll hope it holds up as the wind roars outside my window.

Next, my stalker.  Once upon a time, I had to leave my Asheville home in the middle of the night and move away because of a man who wanted to harm me and/or kill me to prove his love for me.  I was gone for many years, and only returned once I had a new last name, new career and an unlisted phone number.  Years have passed, around 13 years or so actually…and he’s popped back up, sending me messages through another website.   I’m really unhappy about this, so for those of you who do know me in “real” life outside my blog, please don’t ever give out any info–my last name, where I work or anything else–to anyone ever ever ever without my permission.  I’ve been pretty strict about not giving out my personal info over the last decade, but I guess Asheville is too small a town for me, a stalker and people who like to gossip.  I have some folks on the case, so he may crawl back under a rock for a bit, but obviously not forever.  Sigh.

Moving right along, let’s talk about “Trick My Truck.” Oh my god, I love this show.  It’s on CMT, and I don’t think I’ve ever watched anything on that channel before I got sucked into a “Trick My Truck”a-thon today while channel surfing.  Wow!  Big redneck men in workshirts with tats and power tools tearing stuff up and making it all shiny again: I’m in heaven.  I’ve been watching episode after episode this afternoon, loving it.  Especially loved when they tricked out the ice cream truck.  Ooooo and the truck that they tricked out like a train, and the owner of the truck cried when he saw it: crying big redneck men!  I love this show almost as much as “Dog the Bounty Hunter.”

Did you eat your collard greens and black eyed peas today for good luck?  For those of you who ain’t from around here, it’s the traditional southern first day of the year meal for prosperity, sometimes with a little bit o’ pork thrown in there.  I had my collards and peas, but I skipped the pork.

I also didn’t sweep my house today.  According to some feng shui mojo, if you clean on the first day of a new year, you sweep away or wipe away the good fortune the new year has brought you.  I didn’t clean anything, and even took it a step further by not showering, so all that good fortune could soak right into my skin.

What else…oh yeah!  My friend and the nosejob: yeah, he’s still going for his consultation, even though I tried to talk him out of the money so I could continue my education with it.  Apparently, me thinking he is hot is not enough validation for him, since the girl o’ his dreams does not think he’s hot or something (can you imagine that I am not the girl of his dreams? yes, it’s hard for me to fathom, too!).  But I tried.  I tried to reassure him of his hotness factor and shake the cash out of him, but alas…

A big shout out to the Image 420 posse for hooking Minime up with a rainbow of birthday shirts to wear to Disney to celebrate her 10th birthday!  She racked up on birthday greetings, loot and cake thanks to her stylish t’s.

And Disney.  Ok, what the hell are the people carrying in those backpacks and rolling suitcases all around the theme parks?  It’s bad enough that people are elbow to elbow smashed into the Magic Freakin’ Kingdom like sardines, but why does everyone have a backpack? And why did they all have to hit me with their backpacks or run over my feet with their rolling suitcases?  What is so damn important that you can’t leave it in the car or in your hotel that you must pack a suitcase and bring into the line for the Haunted Mansion ride?  All Minime and I had was our ticket for admission, a little cash for a cold beverage and a camera, all of which will fit into one of my pockets.  What else could you need that requires luggage in a theme park??  This baffled me during my entire visit and baffles me still.

 So. Happy New Year!  I wish you and yours all the best.  Psychic Sylvia Browne on “Montel” said 2008 should be a better year for all things compared to ’07, that odd years are years in which things get started or a change begins and even years are the years for things to reach their fruition.  I know ’07 sucked in many ways for me, so sure, I’ll take that!!   So may all your hard work pay off in ’08! Blessings to you all–kiss kiss kiss.

Give Without Being Asked

They were outside the local grocery store, sitting on the ground beside the soda machines.  She looked young, but her face was hard around the eyes.  He was probably just as young as she, but had grown facial hair to try to look older.  Their dog kept a watchful eye over their backpacks full of worldly possessions.  They watched the shoppers go in and out of the grocery store, but looked away when someone returned their gaze.

I walked past them as I went into the store, my head full of my own worries.  I registered that they were probably homeless or at least traveling to their next home on foot, but I went on in to do my shopping.  I was thinking about the heat pump I had to buy just days before Christmas, days before my vacation.  I was wondering where the money would come from, how I was going to make it all happen.

I did my grocery shopping in a rush and loaded everything into the car.  When I turned the key in the ignition, I was grateful that the vents were still blowing warm air onto my cold face.  I was happy that even if there wasn’t heat at home, there was heat in the car.  And that’s when it clicked in my head.  It was cold outside and those two kids (I’m someone’s mom, I’m past 30, I can call them kids) were sitting on the frigid ground.

The couple wasn’t asking anyone for money, but you could feel the yearning coming off of them in waves…the yearning for somewhere warm to sit, something hot to eat.  I have been without a home in my adult life, and I have been without a dollar in my pocket…and I would never have begged or asked for anyone’s help.  I would’ve sat silently in the cold, just like the two kids and their dog on this day.

So I went for my wallet and got out all the cash I had, just two five dollar bills.  I thought about putting one bill back so I’d have something for later, but I had a car and I had a home–even though my house was as cold as the outdoors, I had a house to call my own.  I turned off the car, took both five dollar bills and approached the couple.

“Hey, I know you’re not asking for anything, and I don’t want to assume, but I’d like to give you money for lunch.  And if you don’t need the money for lunch, please buy a special treat for your dog,” I said, and I held out the money.

The young man took the bills, nodded and said, “It helps, every bit helps on the road.”

The woman whispered something that sounded like “oh thank God for you.” 

I patted their dog on the head and went back to my car, drove away and went back to my life.

In looking back, I think the whole scene is something I wanted to share because as we move toward a new year, I’d like to ask you all to give without being asked.  That couple didn’t ask me for anything, but I knew in my gut that I should offer.  They shouldn’t have to ask–I can look upon them, or anyone in that situation, and know with simple human compassion that I should give.  Pay it forward, and do something kind and good just because you can.  It doesn’t have to involve giving money; hold the door open for someone else, listen to someone who needs to talk, tell the cashier at Home Depot that her smile made your day.

We all have something, even on our darkest, brokest day, to offer to someone else.  Share what you have.  May your new year be full of blessings.

My 2 Mikes

This morning, I had to open up my office and open the switchboard as our receptionist was out sick and no one else was around.  I had to sit at the front desk for a while, make coffee (which I don’t drink, so who knows if it was even good?) and answer the phone.  All of this is outside the realm of my normal duties, but when someone’s sick, we all pitch in and change things up to cover the situation.

I’m answering the madly ringing phone, accidentally hanging up on some of Asheville’s most important people repeatedly, when someone appears at the desk… when I look up, I’m startled to see Mike!  And I’m giddy and frazzled all at once, trying to do a job that’s not mine while trying to write down my contact info for Mike.  If I’d been of clear mind, I would’ve let the phone ring and given him a hug.

Travel back in time with me…let’s go all the way back to high school, more than 15 years ago…I was hott back then, too, of course.  I was a lovely goth/punk/freak girl, a member of a posse of weirdos in my school.  We were a large but closeknit group of guys and girls, freshmen through seniors…Sharon, Chris, Sean, Adam, Robin, Sherry, Christina, Mark, Scott, just to name a few of the freaks, there were so many more.   We were cool.

And in our clique were the Mikes: Mike and Mikey.  I don’t remember how we decided which one was going to be Mikey, but they both came to our social group as Mike. 

Just a smidgen younger than I, the Mikes were wonderfully fun, and they absolutely adored me.  Blue-eyed Mikey offered to build a shrine to me.  Mike worked with me for a while at the mall, cutting up with me to a ridiculous extent in the walk-in freezer.  If my phone was ringing, odds were pretty good that it was one of the Mikes on the other end.

I adored them both in return, but I couldn’t let them know that!  If I had “chosen” one over the other, it would’ve ripped our social group to shreds.  I loved Mikey for his sweet spirit underneath a rough exterior and Mike for his quiet sarcasm.  In appropriate high school behavior, I had to give them both equal amounts of hell and abuse their kindness.

High school was over in a blink even though at times it felt like it would last forever, and I lost track of most of my social circle.  Email didn’t exist for us then or instant messaging or blogging or cell phones, all the things that can keep us in touch so easily now.  I lost touch with both of the Mikes, and life went on…college, weddings, minime, more college, years disappeared.

And then that brings us to today, a chance meeting at the front desk of my office.  What did I write down for Mike? Hopefully my phone number in full or my whole email address, I don’t even know for sure.  No matter, I am grateful for the nostalgia that’s rippled through my thoughts today, so grateful to think of people and places that I hadn’t recalled in ages. 

I’d give almost anything to have our group all back together again in one place, but I’ll settle for random meetings as life rolls on…

I’d like to order J. Lo’s butt, Angelina Jolie’s arms…

I got an email this week from a friend, and he shall remain nameless.  He told me that in January, he is going for a consulation for rhinoplasty.  A nose job.  WTF?

Before I could even reply, I had to go find some photos of him and ponder on his nose, because my immediate reaction was that his nose was just fine.  So I looked at photos and decided, yep, his nose is good.  He is a handsome man, teetering right on the edge of being ridiculously sexy until, of course, he opens his mouth and says something stupid.  He’s not a person you would look at and say “oh, he’d be handsome if only he had a better nose.”  It’s just a regular nose.  A good nose on a good-looking guy.

My own nose used to be different.  John loved me with such fervor that he thought it was important to hammer his fist down onto my sleeping face to show his passion.  Once the swelling had subsided and the restraining order was in place, my nose was really really really really straight.  The natural curve was gone.  But I’ve never thought about plastic surgery for my nose or any other body part.

I’m not sure I like the idea of plastic surgery for anything other than reconstruction or medical issues.  A friend’s sister was in a devastating car crash that essentially crushed half her face; I can completely understand her wanting to have reconstructive surgery.  Or if something going on causes breathing problems, the medical issue there is a valid reason to have surgery.

It would seem to me that if my friend “fixes” his nose that suddenly the rest of his face won’t match the new nose.  He’ll look in the mirror all pleased with the new nose, only to find what else is “wrong.” He’ll need an eye lift, some Botox.  Dermabrasion.  Maybe a chin implant.

To order body parts off a menu at the plastic surgeon’s office seems wrong.  “I’d like the J Lo booty, Angelina Jolie’s upper arms, but hold the Lisa Rinna lips.”  I like people to look natural, with their scars and body shapes that reflect lives well-lived and their heritage.

To my faraway friend, I really wish you wouldn’t do this.  If you must, please go see a therapist first and make sure that your nose really is what needs to be fixed, and not something else.  I think you’re a gorgeous creature.  In the words of INXS, “don’t change for you; don’t change a thing for me.”

And to everyone else, yes, the wisdom is the same…”don’t change for you; don’t change a thing for me.”

Just another Friday night in Ashevegas

Friday night was fun, ya’ll!  Where were ya?  All the hot action was going down at Fred’s Speakeasy with a crazy lineup of Automanic, Luxury Pushers and Crank County Daredevils.  Thanks to my bro being fashionably late as always, I missed most of Automanic’s set.  Luxury Pushers were super cool (hunt ’em down on myspace) although I really wanted to give their guitarist a blood transfusion and a peanut butter sandwich; I could pick my teeth with that boy…but any band that opens their set with a few lines from “America” by Neil Diamond is ok in my book.

The crowd was happy as hell it was Friday, friendly and mostly drunk.  There was dancing and flailing for Luxury Pushers, which if you know Asheville’s music scene like I do, is insane–seldom will Ashevillians get up and show love to the headlining band, nevermind the opening bands. 

The bathroom at Fred’s is haunted.  My sis in law announced this to me early in the evening.  My own investigation led me to the same conclusion, so don’t pee alone in the Speakeasy ladies room.  One of the employees overheard us talking and threw in her own two cents of agreement.

By the time Crank County got rolling, the crowd that was drunk for Luxury Pushers was now wasted, but still friendly.  A mosh pit formed in front of the band, and for reasons I can’t understand, the men of the pit felt it best that they pull their shirts off.  Heh heh heh, ok, let me jump in there.  Makin’ friends with shirtless sweaty men, yeah.  One of my new friends felt compelled to give me random shoulder massages between songs.  Had I not been feeling a gentle Jager buzz, I probably would’ve punched him in the nose—no one touches the Katster without permission, especially when I don’t even know your name, but as I mentioned, it was a really friendly crowd, so I was going with the flow.  Good gawd it was hot, and I shouted out to my bro that I needed water, but he dissed me entirely!

Crank County put on their usual high octane show, but because the “stage” at Fred’s is just a corner of the room, the band is on the same level with the audience.  Audience members from the mosh pit are spilling over into the band, singing spontaneous backup vocals, good stuff.  By the time they rolled into their ass-kicking cover of GnR’s “It’s So Easy,” they’d just given up control of the vocals to the crowd entirely.  It was awesome, really fun.

Post show, we weren’t eager to leave Fred’s, we were having too much fun.  Bro, Sis in Law, and two super hottie rock stars from local bands were hanging with me at the bar.  I’m drinking water (thank god for water, thank you anonymous super hottie rock star for getting me water) and high five-ing my mosh pit brothers as they amble off into the night—some of them have located their shirts, some of them are wandering away without one.  We’re all just chillin’, shootin’ the shit.  It’s time for Fred’s to start closing up shop, so we hijack the super hottie rock stars in my brother’s vehicle, the BroMobile, and take our soiree to Denny’s.

Denny’s around 3 AM is a very strange place.  They have security guards in place to keep the peace should a brawl over maple syrup break out.  Everyone else in the place looked pretty cranky and tired, but our table was rowdy and happy—and maybe a little too loud, it’s hard to judge how loud you’re talking when your ears are ringing. 

Food at that late/early hour is good.  Any food at that hour is good…except, apparently, for the bacon (“oh my god, I think I might puke, that bacon is horrible, try it, no, really try it.  I think it’s raw, taste it.”) and some mysterious pancakes of evil (“I didn’t order pancakes.  Why are there pancakes here?”).  My bro redeemed himself for being late and letting me dehydrate at Fred’s by paying for my chow.

We drove our first super hottie rock star home and left him with his box of Satan’s pancakes of the damned…and as we were chauffering our second super hottie rock star home, that’s when the full belly sleepiness started washing over me and I couldn’t sit up straight. 

I was dropped off at home, locked the door behind me and started to strip on my way to the washer to deposit the funky laundry.  The smell of cigarette smoke and the sweat of mosh pit men was pretty gross; I had to wash the clothes immediately.  I wanted a shower, but couldn’t make it another step, collapsing on my bed, instantly asleep.  Good fun, good times, just another Friday night in Ashevegas.