U2, live version of I Will Follow, the song o’ the day.
U2, live version of I Will Follow, the song o’ the day.
people weeping all over the place this mornin’, messing up my mojo when i was trying to fetch my morning diet coke with lime, messing up my mojo when i was trying to go pee in peace after my morning diet coke with lime. what the heck? i have to say it freaks me out when someone is publicly falling apart when no one has passed away or anything of that magnitude, it’s just a random meltdown. i try to meltdown privately whenever possible, so the public waterworks make me all nervous and like “eeek!” but i tried to calm the parties down all the same. i hope i helped some, i tried to offer some perspective, some semi-sage advice and a little humor, too…but i kinda think they went right back to sobbing when i left, yikes. let’s hope tomorrow is more pleasant all around…
i don’t sweat the small stuff. you’re worth the mess & the chaos & even a tiny disappointment here or there, so no worries, i pinky swear.
Get thee unto your local IHOP to partake of the magic of the pumpkin pancakes. They grace us with their tastiness for such a short time each year, and I love them so, oh yes I do.
When they appear at the table, inevitably someone will say, “oooo I’ve never tried pumpkin pancakes before. They smell really yummy. Can—-” I don’t let anyone complete that sentence because the answer is “NO HELL NO, I am not sharing, you can not have a bite. I will stab you in the hand if you try.” Saturday, I bit someone who was reaching over my pumpkin pancakes…oh yeah, it’s that serious to me. GET YOUR OWN!
Took Minime and spawn of the Scootster to see Igor, and it was a fun little film. The movie is not at all for wee tiny ones–I think it was right on target for the 10 year old divas I had in tow. Many of the jokes were meant to amuse the adults in the audience, and for that I was grateful. For any parent who sat through the Country Bears movie when it came out a few years ago, you, too, will be grateful that the movie isn’t that sort of painfully dumbed down idiotic drivel that feels like a screwdriver being shoved into your brain. Igor is a smart, clever movie–also a little dark with the character of Scamper, voiced by Steve Buscemi, a suicidal rabbit-creation that can’t die but makes a lot of efforts to do just that. Take the tweens, but leave the tots at home for Igor, and enjoy.
One of my friends sort of disappeared this year, fell off the face of the earth, incommunicado. This is nothing new with with him, but usually I reach out and maintain the contact, make the effort if he’s been silent for a while. He’s got a little something going on with depression, and when he gets down, he gets waaaaaay down.
Somewhere in April was the last time I saw him in person, and he’s always been one to show up at my office at random to say howdy and catch up for a few minutes for all the years I’ve been at my job. With the exception of some text message exchanges, I haven’t seen him all this time. I was thinking about him around my birthday, something along the lines of “that selfish mofo better not forget my birthday” but I wasn’t about to call him or text him; he needed to hold up his end of things for once without my leading him along.
The ol’ birthday came and went without a peep from him. He showed up at my office this week unannounced, just popped up outta nowhere like a Whack A Mole, so the first thing I do is punch him in the arm really freakin’ hard for missing my birthday. And I punch him again for disappearing all this time.
He apologizes and tells me how he’s been in the midst of the worst depression of his adult life, how he’s failing his college classes, got let go from his job, hasn’t been leaving the bed. Oh. Crap. So now I feel like an ass for not checking in on him, for waiting around in a stubborn funk for him to communicate with me while he’s been lost in some horrible dark head trip all along.
It was a relief to see him and upsetting all at once, but I was glad he came. His mindset wasn’t good, and after some conversation, found out that while he’s seen therapists, he’s never tried a prescription to help his depression. I am fairly anti-medication myself, so I understand where he’s coming from; I will suffer with something for years before I’ll consider taking a pill.
I convinced him to at least seek out a doctor and try something new. I followed up with him the next day to make sure he’d been to the college health center. He went, got a referral to see a psychiatrist so the psychiatrist and doctor can work together to find out what meds will work best for his type of depression. He’ll see the psychiatrist in a day or two. I’m really happy he’s open to trying something new, that he’s acknowledging that his depression is out of control this time.
I’m mad at myself a little for being a stubborn jackass and not checking in on my friend. I know I can’t fix the mess in his head and that the bad spot he’s in now has nothing to do with me, but if I’m his friend, I have to accept him, depression and all. So next time, I won’t let half a year disappear, refusing to be the one to make contact; I will accept that sometimes he goes silent because he gets lost, down, afraid, and that it’s no failure to shoot him a text message if I haven’t heard from him in a while–it’s the right thing to do.
Hey, happy birthday, old-timer. Wishing you good health and many happy returns of the day… If you’re getting senior citizen discounts, help me score some pumpkin pancakes at IHOP on the cheap!
I didn’t get much further than greeting the delivery driver in my PJs last night. By the time I took the lid off my dinner, my phone started ringing with more work, loads more time sensitive work. The things I do, or don’t do, impact everyone at my workplace, so I couldn’t put it off for another time. The work had to be done.
It was 9:30 before I was feasting on my cold dinner last night…so tonight, I’ll try again. I will get out the fuzzy pajamas and try once more to unwind. Your beloved Kat is worn out this week, friends, worn out.
…yeah, sometimes I get just exactly what I need, like just moments ago. Those little moments of kindness that make me grin like the village idiot, those few seconds of wonderful make all the difficult moments seem insignificant and small. There’s no such thing as perfection, but there’s pretty damn good…thanks for pretty damn good.
“maybe someday.”
i really do hope so.