today was a terrible day

i had every hope that today would be awesome. i had coffee in bed with the dogs this morning.  i meditated.  i listened to not one but two sets of positive affirmations.  i even looked kinda cute-ish.

and then my day unfolded.

my spirits weren’t just dashed: they were crushed.

my feelings were hurt to the point of weeping humiliation by a cruel insult.  the friend that was supposed to drop by later didn’t and i really needed the hug, the support.  a word i was praying for never came either, so i finally took my crying self home early.

i climbed back into bed even though it was mid-afternoon.  i cried with my dogs.  i cried with my senile cat.

i was even naive enough to hope the day might improve.  it didn’t. six hours later, i’m still boohooing in bed.  eyes swollen.  head hurts.  faith in the world around me lost for the moment.

some days just fucking suck.


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