tractor tire at 6 AM

Thank the universe for helpful trainers who modify the workouts so I can still work hard while my ankle heals up.  No jumping for a little while, no side to side movements while my ankle recovers from that nasty sprain.

This morning, I was harnessed in and dragging a tractor tire behind me while you slept in your cozy bed…and I liked it.  Digging in and moving forward, it was a good metaphor for life; even with our hurts, we can still dig and move forward with determination.

And of course, I rowed.  And tossed a medicine ball against a wall, and slammed weighted bags to the floor.  And rowed.  And prone crawled through someone else’s sweat and added some of my own to the mix.  And rowed some more.

This morning, I am grateful for digging in and moving forward.