Man, I still don’t think you need a nose job.
Just bleepin’ put the money in the mail to me and I promise I can find about 100 better ways to spend it.
Man, I still don’t think you need a nose job.
Just bleepin’ put the money in the mail to me and I promise I can find about 100 better ways to spend it.
The theme of intuition has come up a lot lately for me in the last few days, so I thought I’d blog just a little bit about it.
I think everyone has intuition, instinct, gut feelings that give you a feel on a situation, give you some insight into something. I think, though, most of us choose to ignore that little voice, and I think when you ignore the feeling or the vibe or whatever the hell you want to call it, it happens less and less.
I don’t always follow my intuition…and usually when I don’t, I end up wishing I had! I wind up with a case of the shoulda woulda couldas—oh man, I shoulda done that, I wish I woulda said that, I coulda been so happy. Yep. I try to listen. Sometimes I’m slow to listen, like when it took me nearly a decade to act on something that my gut feeling tried to guide me on once upon a time–I’m stubborn, ya know, and sometimes instinct goes against logic and reason, and I’m ever so fond of logic and reason. Oh, but sometimes, out of left field, you just know, you just know something with the certainty of every freakin’ fiber of your being, and that is intuition, my friends.
When I talk about intuition or instinct, I’m not even talking any new-agey woowoo channeling the voice of an ancient shaman nonsense, just that basic gut feeling you get when you meet someone new or go somewhere you’ve never been before…is this a nice person or a mean person kind of feeling? Is this a safe place or should I carry a machete?
Listen to yourself. You know best, you really do. If the nagging feeling in the core of your being is trying to guide you, hear it at least for today and see where it takes you!
Last night, Minime and I met up with Vernie Sue and her nieces and nephews for a free outdoor showing of “Golden Blade III: Return of the Monkey’s Uncle.” First, a free movie is a wonderful thing. Second, a free OUTDOOR movie on a summer evening is into a realm beyond wonderful. Third, it was kung fu: I need say no more other than it was kung fu!
A grand time was had by all in our group. We spread a blanket under the stars and sprawled out for a couple hours. Nice, really nice. With no drive-in movie nearby, this is as close as we can get to that sort of experience. I loved the movie (who doesn’t love subtitled kung fu films with tongue in cheek wit?) and loved the opportunity to just relax and laugh with friends and kids. It was everything good about summer all rolled up into one evening.
Me, Baby Brother, Minime and one o’ her many sidekicks went to the Civic Center this fine evening for some hot roller derby action. Where the hell were you? 2 bouts tonight for the regular price of admission, all kinds of brawling and tantrum throwing, AWESOME! I think the Blue Ridge Rollergirls have another bout in Ashevegas August 9, so I fully expect you to be there. We’ve gotta support this local stuff lest it disappear the way not one but TWO hockey teams evaporated in our hometown.
…when I miss the window of sleep…I felt sleepy for maybe 10 minutes about three hours ago…and then it was gone. So I’m up and I’m typing and thinking maybe a bubble bath will do the trick.
For those not in the know about my sleep problems, sleep comes and goes for me. Sometimes, I’ll sleep a few nights in a row with no problem and that is just freakin’ glorious and I feel so good…or I’ll go night after night like I have of late with trouble falling asleep, then once I finally hit slumberland, I have trouble staying asleep, sleeping in 45 minute blocks before waking up to thinkthinkthink and stare at the ceiling before I might maybe doze off a little bit for 45 minutes or so and then the next day I can still sort of function but my temper get super short and my already short attention span becomes non-existent. Yeah yeah, I know there are drugs to help me sleep, but I’m wary and leary of the side effects, I’m not ready to do that yet.
…that i’m down with, and we’ve been working hard toward something. damn, i hope it happens for us, i want it. i want it for each one of us as badly as i want it for myself. it’s kind of driving me up the wall, the not knowing…but as in all things, it is what it is. everything’s zen.
…so i’m blogging about scoot’s new lamps before he does. scoot bought new lamps and end tables and went crazy at bed bath and beyond today, cra-zazy. nice lamps, damn fine lamps, quality lighting. it is also noteworthy that he made me use a coaster today!!! wtf?! how grownup is that! i don’t recall that he made our heathen wild child 10 year old girls use coasters, but i had to use one. scoot’s nesting to prepare his new digs for his “girlfriends and hoes,” he says. so, ladies of west ashevegas and the enka-candler area, look out!
g rated jokes seldom make me laugh, but this one did:
One day, a cat dies of natural causes and goes to heaven, where he meets Saint Peter himself. Saint Peter says to the cat, “You lived a good life, and if there is any way I can make your stay in heaven more comfortable, please let me know.” The cat thinks for a moment and says, “Peter, all my life I have lived with a poor family and had to sleep on a hard wooden floor.” Saint Peter stops the cat and says, “Say no more,” and a wonderful, fluffy pillow appears.
A few days later, six mice are killed in a tragic farming accident, and all of them go to heaven. Again, Saint Peter is there to greet them with the same offer. The mice answer, “All our lives we have been chased. We have had to run from the cat, dogs, and even women with brooms. Running, running, running; we’re tired of running. Do you think we could have roller skates so that we don’t have to run anymore?” Saint Peter says, “Say no more” and fits each mouse with beautiful new roller skates.
About a week later, Saint Peter stops by to see the cat and finds him snoozing on the pillow. Saint Peter gently wakes the cat and asks him, “How are things since you got here?” The cat stretches and yawns, then replies, “It is wonderful here. Better than I could have ever expected. And those ‘Meals On Wheels’ you’ve been sending by are the best!”….
Ask me.
Ask me anything,
I’ll tell you,
I wanted to tell you something,
Wanted to blurt out five thousand things,
But wasn’t sure if silence was the currency
Holding it all together.
Will I, can I
Can you, will we
Ask me.
so today, i challenged someone to tell me a secret. i know, i know, i’m an emailing pain in the ass looking for entertainment during an otherwise sucky work day. everyone who’s had to amuse me with song lyrics and bad puns knows there are days i must be distracted, must be entertained through my entire work day to get from the morning to the time when i can walk out the door…today was one of those days, as i started out fairly flippin’ irritated and needed some levity.
what was interesting when it came down to being told the secret…the person was sure i already knew it. but i didn’t! not a freakin’ clue! really! and i’m usually pretty intuitive about things, but seriously, not a clue. that’s the thrill of telling people things, of putting things out there, no matter how small. you can never really be sure that anyone really knows anything or understands any situation unless you’re willing to spill the beans.
today’s lessons are
1. email me and amuse me
2. never assume anyone knows what the hell is in your head, put it out there!
3. i can answer the front desk phone, talk on the cell phone, remote access my desk to work on a memo and smile all at the same time, proved it today!
4. tell me a secret! i might tell you one back. but i am the notoriously elusive, evasive answer-a-question-with-a-question kat after all, so i might not…