Keeping Your Word

Reflecting today on those who honor their word.  Honor and integrity are sadly rare these days.  People say a million and one things they don’t mean.  They make promises they never intend to keep.

Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised that someone kept their word to me.  I admit I’d given up on the follow through for this old promise.  I had shrugged it off, what’s done is done.

I received a text message last night that the deal was done, circle closed, promise kept.  Thank you very much for reminding me that it’s still okay to extend trust and that it’s okay to keep seeds of hope, even if they are tucked away in the back of dark drawer, slightly dusty.

As I watch snow falling out my office window, I hope I’ve kept my word to all of you to the best of my ability.  I hope I’ve been reliable, and I hope that I continue to be reliable for you in all the ways that matter.

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