what a rip off

I just want to bitch for a moment that there were no 100 Grand bars nor Baby Ruths in Minime’s trick or treating loot Friday night.  What the hell is this world coming to?  Nevermind that I had to steal Hot Tamales from a kid that wasn’t even my own…but not even one measly snack pack of M&Ms either!  Lots and lots of pixie sticks and gum and jawbreakers (Minime and two of her friends all lost teeth on Halloween night thanks to those jawbreakers) but we were distinctly lacking in chocolate, Hot Tamales, Sour Patch Kids and Swedish Fish.  I’m pretty pissed about this. (OK, yes, I know, I’m 35 and can drive myself to Ingle’s or wherever and buy a jumbo bag of Sour Patch Kids any day of the year but it’s just not the flippin’ same as digging through the trick or treat candy and hitting the jackpot, it’s just not the same, pfffffffffffft)

On the mend!

Hey, thanks for all the nice emails…the ankle is on the mend.  The bruising is a lot less frightening, and if I go barefoot, I can get around pretty well—still hurts a good deal, but a big improvement over this time last week.  When I put a shoe on for work, though, that freakin’ makes the whole mess ache all over…so I try to be barefoot as much as possible!!

I Voted!

Vote Democrat, vote Republican, just get the hell out there and cast your ballot!  No whining about the state of the world unless you actually make the effort to make a change.

I stopped at a church in West Ashevegas that was offering early voting, and even at 5:30 PM, I had no wait at all.  Minime cast a Kid’s Vote ballot and get her “I Voted” sticker—she wants to wear it to school tomorrow.


cracked me up this morning…

Over the years, I’ve trained my vendors to bow when I enter a room and treat me with the adoration and respect due a queen…this morning, I received a business email from one of my vendors that opens with:

my goodness!  aren’t you awesome this morning!  you look awesome!  you smell awesome!  you sound awesome!

And it was truly a business email, as my vendor moved right along to the business at hand after the opening line.  That’s what it takes to work with me: blatant butt kissing.  It cracked me up this morning, and I have been in need of a laugh for days!

I hate his accent

I’m studying.  I have to go through an online video for this class.  The narrator’s accent is making me nuts.  Instead of Java, he says “Javerrrrrrrrrrrrr.”  Instead of Boolean, he says “BooLynn.”  Instead of HTML, he says “HeychTML.”  I have to keep stopping the video to think about what he said to make sure I understood all the words.  No big deal though, right?  Only 7 more hours of his accent to go…