today is minime’s birthday

Minime is 11 years old today.  Hard to imagine that this long-legged creature with the wild curly multi-colored hair rocking out to Sixx AM in my living room is the same wee one born back in ’97.

I didn’t name her until she was born; at the ultrasound, I didn’t ask if it was a boy or a girl–I knew, I understood in my very soul somehow,  it was a girl all along, though I was pretty stunned the universe would bestow a girl unto a tomboy sort like me, but it’s just proof that God has a sense of humor. 

I know it’s the way of the world to pick your baby names before they’re born.  Hell, I know women that knew what they’d be naming their kids long before they’d even met a suitable man to be the father.  Not me, though.  I knew I’d have to see my little one, I’d have to meet her first.  I bounced around some ideas in my head, sure, and rejected about 110 ideas from Mr. Kat 1.0—there’s no way I was going to be the mom of Rainbow Patchouli or Lichen Sprout or Waterfall Sunshine, so all his ideas were a big no go.  I didn’t know for sure what her name was, though, until I first held her…and I whispered her name into her fuzzy newborn ear.

And then Mr. Kat 1.0 proceeded to call all the family members and friends and tell them various assorted other versions of her name, none of them accurate—no one knew for sure what her name was until they heard it from me!

Happy Birthday to my tweenager, many happy returns of the day to my girl.

the bar

I have a friend that tells me often that the bar is set so low for their expectations of other people that anything good at all from another human is pretty amazing.  I keep saying “Raise the bar! Expect more! You deserve better than the minimum!” I give the pep talks because there’s no one close to me that deserves any less than the best in this life.

And then today, I realized the bar I’d set was so low it was on the ground.  Someone kept a promise to me today.  You know me, I love to quote Fugazi, “Promises are shit, we speak the way we breathe,” having been burned a million times by people I’ve trusted; such is life, and so I’ve learned not to trust, not to believe it until I see it.  My bar is set too low: when I hear “I promise to…”, I almost always hear it as “There’s no way in hell I’m gonna ever…”  And a promise was kept today.  So surreal it was that when I woke from a nap this evening, I had to stop and think hard to determine if a promise kept was just a dream in the midst of my unexpected sniffle-induced slumber or did it really happen?  It really happened.

My bar was set too low–I should have had trust, faith…but I guess I had to be shown one time, had to have it proven.  Not all promises are shit, not all promises are made to be broken.  Thank goodness for that at long last, and thank goodness for everyone who has patience with me and my skeptical guarded soul.

my boyfriend jason rocks the hell outta “whiplash”

metallica live from 2000—james wanders off, my boyfriend jason tears whiplash up. beautiful. 


but wait!  that was my short haired jason.  find me a long haired jason…oh yes…

seek and destroy, jason on vocals again, live in 1992.    old school metal and hot men, what more could a girl want on a cold winter’s night?

thanks to the good folks who post on craigslist

Craigslist, like a lot of good things on the Internet, is now rampant with scam artists and weirdos, but there are still good folks out there.

Around our house, Santa delivered a teeny weeny turtle a few days early since it was going to be too cold to deliver said turtle Christmas Eve.  Well, turns out the elf in charge of Santa’s livestock department didn’t realize this wasn’t a fully aquatic turtle, neither was this turtle one that could be on land 100%, thus the free apartment the turtle arrived in was not going to be adequate housing.  This little turtle is of the variety that needs to bask, so she needs a place to swim, but she also requires a place to climb out of the water and completely dry out as well.

I decided last night I needed a ten gallon aquarium for this new little critter and looking around MiniMe’s room, I realized it was going to need a stand to go on or there was no place for such an aquarium other than the floor.  All this defeats the damn purpose of accepting the free turtle and her free turtle apartment now that I’m pondering on buying her a new house and a stand and whatever else.  So much for free!

I turned to craigslist last night hopeful to find a bargain.  Right away, I found a listing for a free aquarium and stand, but I got no response, so someone must’ve gotten to it before me.  Bummer.  Free was the right price.

This morning, I looked and found a brand new listing for an aquarium and a stand for $20.  I made arrangements to pick it up this evening, half-fearing the tank would be full of spiders and the stand would be some rusty pile of metal that required a tetanus shot…but you know what?  The tank was great–no cracks, no black widow infestation, just a little dusty.  And even more perfectly perfect, it came with a screen top, and we were going to need one of those, so yay!  And then, not only was the stand in good repair, it’s actually quite nice!  And to top it all off, the seller was genuinely pleased to send it all off to a new home, happy it was going to be put to use since she’d had it in storage for ages.  We all win!

Thanks to the good folks who still use craigslist to buy, sell and trade with a kind heart like the person I dealt with today, and for that matter, I guess I have to thank the weirdos, too, since your posts in the personal section amuse me every day (did the guy looking to date a werewolf or werecat ever find his true love, I wonder?).  Anyway, it’s always comforting to know there are good folks out there, even on the Internet.


and again, i just lost about 30 previously approved legitimate comments from my archived blogs trying to kill hundreds of pharmaceutical spam comments.

i need those comments back, some of them were really good!  dammit.