another one of those surveys. i just love surveys!

1)Do you always answer your phone?
at home, i never hear it because we had to hide it…biscuits n gravy kept chewing through the phone cord…

2) Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it
either a friend on the opposite coast or someone here in ashevegas asking me what i think they should name their lionel richie cover band

3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
plaid.  i vote for plaid.

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
i drink strawberry limeade at sonic, even though the strawberries get stuck in the straw and that can be somewhat dangerous

5)Do you own a digital camera?
nah, just camera on my phone

6)Have you ever had a pet fish?
we have one now.  i can’t remember what it’s actual name is but i call it Fishweena.

7) Favorite Christmas song(s)?
this most recent xmas it was Zat You, Santa Claus? and Christmas in Hollis

8) What’s on your wish list for your birthday?
oooooooooooooo i get to start on a list for this year already! yay me! i want bubble bath, good chocolate, a bottle of red wine and i’d really like someone to split that bottle with me and warm my bathrobe in the dryer while i soak in my bubbles.  how’s that for a start?

9) Can you do push ups?
yes, but they hurt like hellllllllll since i broke my right arm in a couple places near the wrist so i really try to avoid them

10) Can you do a chin up?
i’m gonna say no, because if i’m in doubt, i really shouldn’t try

12) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
well, today contemplating the future made me feel verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry scared and worried and sorta freaked my ass out but then i realized i need to focus on now, not later

Do you have any saved texts?
i do have some saved, yep (hey, why doesn’t that question have a number? is it a bonus question?)

13) Ever been in a car wreck?
14) Do you have an accent?
i know i do.  when i worked on the phone for a catalog company, people with different accents always wanted to tell me i had an accent.

15) What is the last song to make you cry?
Actually, the song “Big Empty” by STP (these conversations kill), but then I grabbed the mouse and clicked it forward to something else in the playlist

16) Plans tonight?
i dunno, i’m kinda inclined to just go to bed early and get some rest for once.

17)Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
well, the few times i thought life couldn’t get any worse, it did get worse, so i know there’s always somewhere lower to go than where i’ve been

18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
i bought dog food, baked chips and a snickers bar
19) Have you ever been given roses?
i have, but i am not really a fan of roses….though i have to say the roses i received long long ago that had the tips of the blooms dipped in black were pretty freakin’ goth-stunning, the originality made me forget they were roses!  i prefer gerber daisies, carnations in shades of orange and hot pink, tulips

20) Current worry?
bein’ kinda lonely

21) Current hate right now?
hate takes too much time and effort and i’m booked up right now with other things

22) Met someone who changed your life?
oh yes, ten years ago i met someone who would change my life…………FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! doesn’t that sound like a movie trailer or something?

23) How will you bring in the New Year?
well, to ring in this new year i drank a bucket o’ booze and yelled at dog the bounty hunter
24) What song represents you?
a song that represents me? i’m not sure—-does anyone have suggestions (other than Crazy Bitch?)?????????

25) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
no, do overs would mess up now, but if i could go back in time and not mess anything up, there’s a point in time i’d visit again just to see someone, feel the spark and zing, feel giddy and come back to now

26) Scared of anything?

not having all the answers.  and clowns, hate the clowns.

27) Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
yeah, usually i marry them at that point which hasn’t turned out well so far, but one of these days i’ll get it right somehow

28) Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
i have tats, and if i reach a personal goal this year, i have another tat in mind…oh and maybe one more if i reach another goal.

30) Does anyone love you?
yes, i’m loved.  sometimes i have to be reminded but indeed i am loved.

31) Would you be a pirate

32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
i don’t take showers
33) Ever had someone sing to you?
yes.  it was very jim morrison singing to pamela in the doors movie. 

34) When did you last cry?
maybe today for like half a second and then i decided it was easier to be guarded and semi-bitter than emotional

36) Do you like to cuddle?
depends on the situation

37)Have you held hands with anyone today?
yep, and i held shiloh’s paw for a while, he seemed to like that.

38) Who was the last person you took a picture of?
minime and the peyote stitch bracelet i made for her

39)What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
my first albums were all KISS
40) Do you believe in staying close with your ex’s/prospects?
well, some of my ex’s turned out to be good friends after a time, but some of them just need to go far, far away–perhaps they could all live on an island and form a club and talk about how i am the antichrist

41) Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

42)Do you like pulpy orange juice?
YES! i love to chew my juice.

43)What is something your friends make fun of you for?
my personal space issues

44) Have you ever ridden an elephant?
no, but i’ve ridden a horse that tried to throw me and as hard as he reared up and jolted every bone in my body, he may as well have been an elephant

45)Do you like to play Scrabble?
sure, but it’s been a long time
46) What are you saving your money up for right now?
right now i’m not saving, i’m more in ‘just getting by’ mode

47) When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
dunno, but i had peanut butter and honey over the weekend

48) What song(s) do you want played at your funeral?
just take my mp3 player and put it on random and go with it

49) What were you doing 12 AM last night?
i think i was sleeping or thinking about sleeping

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
where are my blankets?!!!  i guess i kicked them all in the floor.

so there was this person…….

…..that i disliked and who disliked me back pretty equally (no, not you, steinster, someone else!).  Interestingly, that person’s life has taken some turns and they are now pretty happy…and in being pretty happy, this person is now likeable, pleasant and even funny! wtf?! anyway.  just goes to show ya you never know what could happen if circumstances change a little.


sometimes i have to find the patience not to just kick someone out of plane that’s going down………….it may not be on fire, but it’s been outta gas for miles and it’s drifting down, down, down toward the ocean.  it’s their decision to jump, no matter how hard i wanna push them, so i gotta be patient.

and i think sometimes patience has to be had with me because i want to learn to fly the plane just by flapping my arms, i wanna try to make gasoline out of the in-flight pretzels, then put parachutes on everyone and their carry on bags and teach everyone how to make a colorful bracelet woven out of strips torn from the barf bags and in-flight magazine AND then i still wanna shove the hesitant out the door while there’s still land in sight—jump before we get to the ocean cuz ya know i lack in swimming skills…sooooooooooo……. yes, have patience with me, too, because my intentions are good, they really are.

they haven’t all been awful…

Not every Valentine’s Day ever has been awful for me, just most of them!  In an effort not to be hopelessly grouchy, I took a few minutes to reflect on the Ghosts of Valentine’s Day Past to think of a good one to share with you, and I actually came up with a pretty great one.

My first serious boyfriend in high school spoiled me rotten rotten rotten.  It wasn’t that he spent tons of money on me, no.  It was all the attention he gave me.  He listened to me and retained little details, held open doors for me and was just generally open to showing the world he was thrilled I was his girl, proud beyond compare to have me on his arm.  Silly me: I thought all my future boyfriends would be that good to me…obviously, I knew nothing about the world to have thought that!

For Valentine’s Day that year, I was really hoping to get flowers delivered to me…but at the same time, I didn’t want them.  The ridiculous cost of cut flowers for Valentine’s Day, the jacked up price tags for flowers that are usually of lesser quality than you can get the rest of the year, all that sort of thing has always offended my thrifty practical side.  But! I looooooooove bouquets of flowers, love them!  So I was torn.  I didn’t want my boyfriend to spend his whole week’s pay on flowers that would just droop and die, but at the same time, it seemed so hopelessly romantic to have the floral delivery van pull up in the driveway, the knock at the door, the sweet sentiment on the card tucked in with the blooms!  The local florist had the usual insane prices on deliveries, but had a fantastic price on cash and carry flowers that wouldn’t break the bank.  My boyfriend bought the flowers in person for the bargain price, tucked a card in and had one of his friends deliver them to my house…so it wasn’t the floral delivery van…it was a sputtering Buick, but still, I got the joy of peeking out the window, seeing flowers and running to the door.  Such a thrill!  And he wasn’t done yet…

I have always been a chocoholic.  I love chocolate.  You can’t hide it from me, I can sniff it out.  In high school, I was crazy about the chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips in it made by Frusen Glädjé (there’s a brand name from the past, hmm?!).  It came in plastic pints, was a bit on the expensive side and was pure decadence and bliss…and it was also a little hard to find at times, not always available at the grocery store.  Gourmet and specialty ice creams were not at all as common as they are now, so this stuff was a big deal to me.   My boyfriend’s dad drove one of those big freezer trucks that delivers ice cream to the grocery stores, and miracle of miracles, Frusen Glädjé was one of the brands his company distributed…but I didn’t know that!  About an hour after my flower delivery when I was still swooning over my sweet little card and the romance of the flowers and calling all my girlfriends to tell them about it, there was a knock at the door.  My boyfriend had brought me an entire freakin’ case of the much-loved chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips in it, still shrink-wrapped like it would’ve been delivered to the grocery store.   I squealed and jumped up and down like I’d won the lottery!

So there you have it, folks, not every Valentine’s has been awful for your Kat.  A Valentine’s Day from TWENTY YEARS AGO still stands out as memorable to me…a boyfriend who knew how to stretch a dollar without skimping on the romance and who went out of his way to come up with a special gift unlike any other is the one Valentine’s Day that I can recall that someone made me feel absolutely adored…and um, yep, I believe that was kind of the last one like that, so I’m open to adoration, just in case the universe thought I wasn’t…totally open to adoration in 2009.

you know what else sucks?

So not only was the Target I visited tonight out of my yummy happy drink of wonderfulness, but everywhere I turned, the whole damn store was decorated for Valentine’s Day.  Cards.  Chocolates.  Towels.  Plates.  Pajamas with cutesy little hearts.  Ya know, just when I thought I’d shaken off the combination of the blues and blazing rage that was my Thanksgiving through New Year’s experience,  I realize we’re not quite done with the magic yet.  There’s still one more yippy skippy shmoopy Hallmark day to wade through before I can cruise through the rest of the year.  And when you work in a big office full of women, there’s no avoiding Valentine’s Day…the flowers everywhere, the balloons, the squealing, shrieking, ooo-ing, ah-ing, “We’re going to dinner at Grove Park tonight, what are you doing?” “Ooo that’s so romantic! We always take a Valentine’s getaway weekend in Charleston” “Awww how sweet! He gave me a diamond bracelet at breakfast” “Fabulous! He made me heart shaped pancakes” on and on and on……..BLAGH! So! In this age of being overly politically correct, I think it’s absolutely wrong to let this kind of smarmy kissy faceness happen in the workplace! We can’t say Merry Christmas so why should those wallowing in the bliss of coupledom get to go all Valentine’sy in my face if I’m not celebrating? Hmmm? I’m offended! I want a policy! A procedure! A committee!

somebody go to target off tunnel rd NOW

so the target at airport road is completely out of the bottles of my beloved seasonal starbuck’s dark chocolate peppermint mocha frappucino. this is a problem, people.  they have tons, scads, oodles and cases galore of the seasonal raspberry mocha flavor, but that is NOT what i want.  i want peppermint  dark chocolate and i want it NOW! someone visit target off tunnel road and report back to me on the status!  call me! text me! email me!  is there any left in this town?  i must know immediately! normally i stock my fridge so the happy little bottles of caffeine and sugar are present all the way through the month of january…but alas! i am freaking out!  if i’d known there was such a shortage i would’ve filled my cart in december to last me through january, wiping out my bank account and then i would’ve existed on nothing but ramen and my magical frappucino!

ok, a survey, why not!

a random survey of silly useless info from myspace, i believe miss jules posted it…so merci beaucoup to her fabulousness and heeeeeeeeeeeere we go:

Where was the last place you went out to eat?
Mellow Mushroom today, but I wasn’t buyin’ the chow.  Tempeh on wheat, no tomato, light on the green peppers.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
Jager at Miss Rosey’s bday soiree.
Which do you prefer – eyes or lips?
For a snack or what? That’s just a weird question.

Best kind of pizza?
Black olives and feta, maybe a little spinach.  Go wild and throw some walnuts on there and I might just have to kiss you over the fantasticness of the pizza.

Is your bedroom window open?
It’s January.

What is in store for your future?
I don’t know exactly, but if someone would like to take my order please, stop by with a pad and pencil and I have a list.  If my wish is your command, please take copious notes.

Who was the last band you saw live?
I think they were called Contagious? But I don’t know for sure.  They were……..broad spectrum.

Do you take care of your friends while they are sick?
I guess they all have people for that.  And I have…me.

What is your favorite soda?
Diet Coke w Lime

How many songs are on your iTunes?
I don’t have an iPod, I have another kind o’ player, so I use Napster.

When was the last time you purchased something over $100?
Nothing lately that wasn’t a bill.

Where is the last place you drove to?

Are you experienced?

Any historical figures that you envy?
Historical figures that I envy…errrrr, I’d have to ponder that one a while, no one comes to mind right away.
What brand of digital camera do you own?
None, just my phone
When was the last time you got a good workout?
I think having my ass royally kicked on the treadmill this morning counts.  I thought I might die, geeeeeeez, but I survived.  Feeling a bit sore though.

You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
I wouldn’t go to a store, I’d go to the magical Internet.  I hate shopping, oh yes I do, unless we’re talking books or beads and I have lots of money to blow.

Where did your last kiss take place?
Minime gets a smooch before the bus picks her up every morning

What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Monday night?
I was in bed, which is unusual for me, but man, I was beat downnnnnnnnn tired

Are you a quitter?
No, though sometimes I wish I could be.

Who was the last person you had in your house?
As a visitor for any length of time, probably MiniScoot

Can you speak another language?
not so much anymore

When was the last time you went dancing while under the influence?
Under the influence, I have no idea.  I will dance and flail anywhere sober.  We did some random ass shaking at College Street Pub, but nothing consistent, and I’d just had one heaping helping o’ Jager, no more.

Describe what you are wearing in detail?
Comfy comfy comfy.

What do you think about people who party a lot?
How old are these people, hmmm? Do they have jobs? Children? There are many variables to consider!

Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?

Well, no, but I don’t want to chat about it with my family over Mother’s Day lunch or anything of that ilk.  But with the right people in the right environment, there’s nothing taboo really.  Whatcha wanna discuss?

What was the last CD you purchased?
Josh Todd of Buckcherry’s solo cd You Made MeWhat are two bands or singers that you will always love?
The Ramones and Duran Duran
 What of the seven deadly sins are you guilty of?
I’m partial to lust.  Possibly also down with the gluttony if chocolate, hot wings or excellent pizza is involved.Did you just have to Google the seven deadly sins to see what they were?
no, I just know the ones that apply to me!

Where is your favorite place to get coffee?
I don’t drink coffee, except for the once in a while iced mocha or even better, the bottled seasonal Starbucks Dark Chocolate Peppermint Frappucino, but there’s so much sugar and chocolate in there, I’m not sure there’s any room for coffee.

Have you ever stolen anything off the road?
Like a dead possum or what? Who makes up these questions?  And wouldn’t it be fair game if it was in the road?

When was the last time you dyed your hair?
I dunno.  Not that long ago, but time just blurs together.

Who was the last person you rode in a car with?

Miss someone?
Yes indeedy.

How is your last ex doing?
I’m sure he’s fine.

Is there someone you want to fight?

On most any day of the week, I can easily come up with three people (possibly more) that deserve a punch in the eye.


a quote i really like

I saw this somewhere recently, where I’m not exactly sure, but I scribbled most of it on the back of a receipt so I could share it with you!

I beg you to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try and love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms of books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Rainer Maria Rilke


it’s been a howard jones kind of day

sometimes you just need some good ol’ pop-infused howard jones to help you through:

All I Want, one of his best songs everrrrrrr.  I can sort of work things out, juggling the fear and doubt

and what else from Howard for me to share with one and all? oooo, i know:

Lift Me Up.  How can you go wrong with a song that’s cheery enough to encourage chair dancing at your desk along with the fun lyrics: I’m not eating, I’m not sleeping, this tension, this worry…You don’t call, you don’t write me: I need your love in a hurry. Teach me, Reach me, Meet me, Beat me, Tease me, Please me,
Come and seize me!
  Who knew Howard Jones had such a wild streak in him?  Anyway, Monday’s almost over and done…thank goodness, because Monday just flippin’ kicked my ass, really.

that was fun

it’s after 1 AM here in Ashevegas, wrapping up the celebration of Miss Rosey’s birthday.  Good times!  And who knew a cover band would be able to embrace not just Alice in Chains but also Tracy Chapman!?!!  Happy birthday, Miss Rosey, you pole dancing sweater dress wearing humanitarian!  Wishing you many gloriously happy returns of the day!

And Niffer, sorry for the wee hours dialing—the assumption made, of course, in every pub and bar is that if we’re up, everyone else must be awake, too!  We miss ya! You would’ve loved singing along with the cover band!