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Last night, a friend and I went to soak in a hot tub at a local spa retreat. Clear night, soaking under the stars, talking about everything, watching the steam rise into the night sky. Awesome.
Afterward, I was waiting in the lobby to check out while my friend was changing into street clothes. I was sniffing all the incense and perfumes and found one that smelled fantastic. I was holding the bottle in my right hand and dabbing the fragrance on my left wrist while the cashier was ringing up a couple for their services. The cashier called over to me that she loves that fragrance, and I agreed that it was so delightful (and, umm, slightly outside my price range)…the man in the couple walks over to me and says, “May I smell?” I think he wants the bottle of fragrance, so I as I turn to hand it to him, he grabs my left wrist and pulls it to his face and inhales close enough to my skin that I can feel his facial hair. OMFG!!!!
In full earshot of his woman friend and the cashier, he says, “And now may I lick you?”
I looked appropriately horrified as I said, “Errr no, no. Reserved for people I am on a first name basis with.”
His woman friend, now finished with her transaction, laughs, then she tells me his name as they turn to head out the door.
The door closes, and I’m still standing there, mouth open, bottle of perfume in my hand.
The cashier says, “Did that really just happen?”
I nod. “Yeah, it really did.”