My last two business trips have resulted in me being trapped in a faraway city in a semi-crappy hotel without my suitcase…shuttling out in the wee hours in the dark in a hotel van that smells like pee and Febreze to stand in line in yesterday’s clothes so TSA can scrutinize my IUD on the body scan machine while my stomach growls and the clock ticks and I pray I don’t miss another damn flight. Awesome.
I’m not sure how I’ve angered the fickle gods of business travel, but I humbly ask their forgiveness. I beg for elbow room on my future flights, and please oh please a seat that’s not right next to the bathroom on a cross-country flight. Let my airplanes be well-maintained and timely that I might arrive for work on time and get home before I run out of clean socks. Amen, namaste, yowza.