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I don’t have any science to back this up; it’s just an observation. I’ve noticed what tends to connect us, you, me, our friends, at the most meaningful level is all our broken bits. All the stories we are afraid to tell: when we finally share them, others put their hands up, and say, “oh, me, too,” and there is a connection, a uniting tie. You understand my kind of crazy now because you walked the same path at one point. Ah, you understand. I understand. We get each other.
You get why I am stand-offish, stoic, reserved, reluctant to be vulnerable. All the things we don’t like to talk about…when we finally tell the truth, we find our people, our tribe.
I’m not saying you should spill your darkest, most painful moments if you aren’t ready to speak up, but when you are ready, I think you’ll find there are more people that will welcome you than will shun you. Our jagged edges somehow bring us closer together.