I still want it

I put myself “out there” for the crazy scholarship program that required me to make a YouTube video of myself (eek, so outside my comfort zone) and Tweet about the program…and pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.  No scholarship for me.  I don’t feel like a failure because I sure as hell stepped way outside my box and tried something brand new to get something I wanted, but I am sorely disappointed.  Bummer.  I still want it.  I still want to attend the program.

All my “sources” of woowoo mystical inspiration, manifestation and positive inspiration say to make something happen, you have to believe in it, want it, imagine yourself doing the “it” that you desire.  I’m stirring up the positive mojo and affirming my little heart out.  I’m writing it down.  I’m typing it out.  I’m imagining the learning and the inspiration and the work that I will have to put into the class.  I can feel the pride of accomplishment and the feeling of forward movement as I learn things that will help me transition into my next chapter of life.  I’m lighting candles.  I’m seeing myself logging into the coursework, turning in assignments, burning a little midnight oil to get it all done around work and parenting. I want this.

If you’re reading this, help me out, would ya? Affirm that Kat gets to attend B-School in 2014.  Affirm that the Universe opens up a way that Kat can attend and complete B-School!  Thank you, friends.  Thank you, Universe.