
I am recovering from October. There were concerts and road trips and parties and dancing and costumes and adventures and so much laughter, so much joyous wonderfulness that I am exhausted. October was overflowing with opportunities to live and love.

There was sadness and loss. There was physical pain and there were multiple trips to lessen said pain. There was worry over the financial future and paying for the kiddo’s school. Most of that yuck is still lingering into November.

September and October always feel more like the dawning of a new year than January to me. I feel renewed, like I am starting over and reborn when the first chill hits the air. This time of year is exciting as well as introspective. When November and December roll around, I am ready to go into the cave with my creative ideas and bring out something new soon, but grrrrrr, let me hibernate in the cave with my thoughts.