yes i can, you shut up

this morning, my youngun and her sleepover guests were told that the reason i am single is because i have no idea how to make biscuits or anything else that involves cooking.  i know this info, because of course immediately upon hearing this tidbit the girls came stampeding into the room where i was watching the illusionist (good movie, btw) with the cookbook they’d been perusing in hand to give me the report.

that’s a buncha crap.  i can make biscuits and any number of awesome things!  if all i had to do to get a decent man and keep him was cook then i’d have snared a man by the ripe old age of ten, since i was preparing dinner for my entire family at that age.  the next person who wants to list off the reasons why i’m alone this holiday season is going to get a punch in the mouth since this is the second time in less than a week i’ve been treated to such a discussion.  so fa la la la bite me.