My secret special guest, strumming on acoustic guitar right this second, has posed the following questions for today’s blog:
Is love real and what does it mean to you? Which is better Zaxby’s or KFC? Cocoa Pebbles or Count Chocula?
Alright, so first question: is love real and what does it mean to you?
Love is indeed real, but it is not the stuff of Hallmark cards and Ryan Gosling movies. Love is what remains when the lust burns off, when the rose-colored glasses of romance fall away and there you are, staring at the real person in front of you. Love is the willingness to go along for the ride, knowing that the person who started off as your partner may become different along the way, may change. Love is practice. Love is dedication to a mutual cause. It takes work to focus on that mutual cause when life gets in the way. Sometimes it seems easier to abandon the cause than it does to stick with it, but love will stay…love abides, resides, persists. Love isn’t violent, cruel, callous, selfish, and love doesn’t run away. Love is steadfast, a safe harbor in a storm. I absolutely believe in love. I believe in commitment, loyalty and creating a grand romance with the one you love, not having a grand romance and hoping for love, but making the conscious choice to love, be brave, and make a path in the world together.
Next question:
Which is better, Zaxby’s or KFC?
Why is this a question?? Zaxby’s makes great milkshakes, but if I want chicken, KFC will win over Zaxby’s. Church’s or Popeye’s will actually win over KFC, but we don’t have those restaurants here. A bucket of original recipe KFC and a box of biscuits. Amen.
Last question as the guitar plays on:
Cocoa Pebbles or Count Chocula?
Really???? Really. Count Chocula, man. I have never pledged allegiance to any kind of pebbles, fruity or otherwise. Count Chocula in all its seasonal glory with its fresh bat-shaped marshmallows is clearly the superior cereal.