One of the hardest things about sharing anything with the world–my writing, my jewelry, my tarot card readings–is dealing with the haters. The world of social media is now filled with trolls, people who make it their full time job to scroll around and leave hateful feedback everywhere they go. They are mean. They are hurtful.
Today, I let myself get frustrated by one of these nitpicky souls who was questioning my use of a specific word, claiming I didn’t even know what it meant. I countered (I shouldn’t have countered, I know) with my right to use any word creatively in my own writing to create a mood or evoke a feeling. I felt hurt and embarrassed because there are all those hateful comments out on the world wide web for everyone to read…and then I remembered…
I didn’t write for those haters. I didn’t write for those trolls. I didn’t write for those who hide behind their computer screens, waiting to pounce. I don’t read tarot for them. I don’t teach for them. I don’t make jewelry them. All these things I do are for me and also an open invitation for those people I call my tribe, the people who “get” me, to gather ’round and come closer.
If you don’t like it, move on. I see plenty of political posts, memes, photos, and whatnot that aren’t my cup of tea, but rather than insult the creator, I simply move on to find the things that do appeal to me.