i’ve clearly been having an emotional time of things lately, and i can’t escape memories even with music.
there’s the last song chris and i ever talked about before he was murdered.
and there’s a song we sang on a road trip the day before a good friend abruptly became an ex friend.
that’s a song kevin loved and we listened to before cancer sent him away from all of us too soon.
there’s a song from back when i believed everything was solid and stable and ok, and i posted it on my blog and even made it a ringtone.
flipping through songs on my ipod in the car, i can’t stand the overwhelming hurt i feel as the songs cue up, so i hit “next”…”next”…”next.”
that doesn’t leave me with much to listen to really…so i’ve listen to a lot of pitbull and metallica lately. maybe pitbull’s “fuego” will see me through this.