…I’ve been wondering if I’m being humored, like a pat on the head for a loyal canine companion…or if doors once slammed in my face and locked tight are opening just a crack to let me in?
I want to be let in, and the guardian of that particular gate knows it. So.
Tossing me a milkbone so I’ll piss off for a while or opening the door so I can bound inside and stay warm by that fire? Remains to be seen.
I suppose I could ask outright, y’know? Hey, what’s this all about? What’s the meaning of all this? Is there a meaning to all this? I wish there was a meaning to all this! I would like to apply a meaning to all of this!!
I’m always the asker, the blurter, the no filter brave one…and I’d like to not have to do that again here because…because. Because I’m stubborn. Because I’m proud. Because I’m loyal. Because I deserve to be on the receiving end of some good news.