The theme of intuition has come up a lot lately for me in the last few days, so I thought I’d blog just a little bit about it.
I think everyone has intuition, instinct, gut feelings that give you a feel on a situation, give you some insight into something. I think, though, most of us choose to ignore that little voice, and I think when you ignore the feeling or the vibe or whatever the hell you want to call it, it happens less and less.
I don’t always follow my intuition…and usually when I don’t, I end up wishing I had! I wind up with a case of the shoulda woulda couldas—oh man, I shoulda done that, I wish I woulda said that, I coulda been so happy. Yep. I try to listen. Sometimes I’m slow to listen, like when it took me nearly a decade to act on something that my gut feeling tried to guide me on once upon a time–I’m stubborn, ya know, and sometimes instinct goes against logic and reason, and I’m ever so fond of logic and reason. Oh, but sometimes, out of left field, you just know, you just know something with the certainty of every freakin’ fiber of your being, and that is intuition, my friends.
When I talk about intuition or instinct, I’m not even talking any new-agey woowoo channeling the voice of an ancient shaman nonsense, just that basic gut feeling you get when you meet someone new or go somewhere you’ve never been before…is this a nice person or a mean person kind of feeling? Is this a safe place or should I carry a machete?
Listen to yourself. You know best, you really do. If the nagging feeling in the core of your being is trying to guide you, hear it at least for today and see where it takes you!