i haven’t done a survey lately!

I haven’t done a survey lately, here or on myspace, so let’s kill a buncha birds with one stone by doing a group oversharing session:


When was the last time you went bowling?
Sometime in ’08 I wore pre-enjoyed shoes, but not sure what month.

When things get bad, are you more likely to blame yourself or somebody else?
I blame myself mostly…ya know, when you point the finger of blame, depending how many fingers ya got, you’ll have a few pointing back at yourself…

Do you tend to set yourself up for disappointment?
nah, i’m an optimist who sets a low bar

Have you ever literally ran away from something because you didn’t know how to deal?
I didn’t run, because girls with ample cleavage only run when they have a sports bra on.  I probably walked quickly or drove fast.
Is it hard for you to ask for help?
hell to the yes.  I’d rather crawl up my front steps (which happened this year) than have someone help me.

Who was the first person you kissed in 2008?
probably Minime, she still gets a smooch or two every day from her dear old mom.

What does your ex think about you?
which ex would that be?  and I imagine it depends how recently I’ve pissed him off what he thinks.

Hows your luck been lately?
I’m gonna say good since I passed that exam today

Have you seen Twilight?
Yes, with 2 swooning tweenagers

Do you believe that you can only truly love once?
Nah, but I think you love those important people differently as you learn about yourself and life along the way.

Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like tomorrow?
I can assume safely that it won’t be 90 degrees with cats or dogs falling from the sky, probably no locusts either.

When was the last time you spoke in front of a large crowd?
last week, Mele Kalikimaka!

What was the last pill you took?
the one that sometimes makes my thought train get back on the track, but doesn’t always.
Who is your Dad’s best friend?
He doesn’t really pal around with anybody these days.

Have you ever had any Friends with Benefits and how long did it last?
yes, and nunya
How many bedrooms are in your house?
3 technically, but only 2 are used as such at the moment

Are you a stressed out person?
Sometimes, but I try to flip out and then just shake it off pretty quickly
You doing anything else tonight?
bubble bath

Who was the last person(s) you hung out with?
over the weekend, twas daisy and our toes are lovely and our wallets hardly much lighter after the casino trip, we had fun!

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
an all-inclusive resort where i could have someone mix me up a nice drink would be lovely….oooo like a hot chocolate with some rum would be nice

Do you have a best friend?
sure thing

Missing someone?
you betcha

Are you busy tomorrow?
I’m busy every day
Are you mad at someone right now?
nah, too tired to exert that much effort
How’s your life lately?
hectic, but all’s well, i reckon

What’s one thing you want more than anything in your life?
happily ever after

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in overwhelming attraction at first sight

What was on your mind mostly today?
a lot! JavaScript, door access security systems, foster children, document management, ouch my booboo…lots

What are you listening to?
Christmas In Hollis Run DMC
Do you like winter time?
except for the part where it’s cold.

Have you ever had your heart broken?
shredded and set on fire, then the ashes were pissed upon by a herd of mountain goats

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and aren’t around much anymore?

What if they were back in your life?
nah, weird, life goes on

Are your parents protective of you?
not at all! they are more protective of strangers, coffee, dryer lint…anything/anyone other than me, really

Is money important to you?
I like having the bills paid, and it is nice to have a smidgen left over now and then for goofy stuff, but nah, I’m not about the moolah.

How long does it take you to showe​r?​
0 minutes because I never shower if I can help it.  Bubble baths are the way of the world, the path to a kinder gentler planet

Who did you last get into an argument with?
I try not to argue with anyone, but Minime and I went ’round and ’round in circles for a few minutes today, nothing major; I prevailed because I am the Mommy and I SAID SO!
Is it easy to annoy you?
yes if I’m trying to concentrate
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
when I was little, yes.

What is your current mood?
tired and ouchy.

Have you been involved with people who weren’t good to you?
apparently so

Are you allergic to anything?
grass, trees, cats, dogs, bird dander (really!)

Could you eat nothing but grilled cheese for a week straight?
sure, but I’d be heinously sick

What kind of pants are you wearing right now?
worky ones

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