I hate it…

…when I miss the window of sleep…I felt sleepy for maybe 10 minutes about three hours ago…and then it was gone.  So I’m up and I’m typing and thinking maybe a bubble bath will do the trick. 

For those not in the know about my sleep problems, sleep comes and goes for me.  Sometimes, I’ll sleep a few nights in a row with no problem and that is just freakin’ glorious and I feel so good…or I’ll go night after night like I have of late with trouble falling asleep, then once I finally hit slumberland, I have trouble staying asleep, sleeping in 45 minute blocks before waking up to thinkthinkthink and stare at the ceiling before I might maybe doze off a little bit for 45 minutes or so and then the next day I can still sort of function but my temper get super short and my already short attention span becomes non-existent.  Yeah yeah, I know there are drugs to help me sleep, but I’m wary and leary of the side effects, I’m not ready to do that yet. 

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