I could wallpaper your house…

Because I am the queen of over-sharing on this blog o’ mine, you need to know that I have had the most heinous, horrible, painful, dreadful sinus infection EVER for the last several weeks…so bad that it laid me out flat on my back with dizziness on Sunday at my soccer game during halftime.  I’d already finished one round of antibiotics, and have now kicked up to some new frightening purple and turquoise pill.

 But what’s really cool is I’m now truly on the mend thanks to the crystal meth my doctor gave me.  Ok, he didn’t actually give me meth, but I’m convinced I could whip up a batch of something profitable from the prescription decongestants he gave me.  I took one yesterday and within an hour was pacing, grinding my teeth and ready to clean the gutters, rake the yard, wash the curtains and maybe even bathe the cats.

I couldn’t really sleep, but I can tell I am at last I’m really getting better, thank goodness…but the crazed edginess is not something that works well for me.  I want to jump up and down, wallpaper my house, maybe wallpaper your house, drive to the beach just to get an ice cream cone, drive back, organize my CDs chronologically, make a paper mache pinata, call up JimDiggity and talk reallyreallyreally fast and hang up mid-sentence, stop by Image 420 to hug Uncle Lane and remind Joey not to smoke, bake some muffins, wash my car, wash your car and jump and down some more. 

Obviously, I’m not jacked up enough.  I’m going out for a Red Bull.

0 thoughts on “I could wallpaper your house…”

  1. Ok since you are being so generous…you can come here and help me clean the house since bending over makes the seahorse in my uterus swim really, really fast and makes me sick.

  2. I need some raking around the house and some gutter repair. next time you get hopped up come on by…

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