310 is not my weight.
It might be my IQ?
It’s what I leg pressed last week for all three sets on Wednesday. My goal was to press more than 300 before October ended, and whaddya know? 310. Hot diggity!
310 is not my weight.
It might be my IQ?
It’s what I leg pressed last week for all three sets on Wednesday. My goal was to press more than 300 before October ended, and whaddya know? 310. Hot diggity!
Hey, I’m Running for Food to benefit the Manna Food Bank! I’m participating in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning and would love for you to give a donation in my name—what about five bucks since it’s a five K run?
Here’s where you go:
http://www.irunforfood.com/donate.html and here’s the important part: there’s a PayPal link—in the Special Instructions to the Seller part of the payment, ya gotta put my name as the runner! Why?
The good folks coordinating this effort are supposed to let me know who made a donation in my name–if you don’t put my name in, I won’t know to thank you!!! And I want to thank you!!
If PayPal hurts your brain, I’m taking cash donations in any amount for the next couple weeks.
Let’s stock the cabinets at Manna for the holidays!! Woohoo!!
Friggin’ come up with a way to pump the standing water out of Carrier Park. It’s nasty. There’s green swampy stinky water that’s been standing on the running trails for weeks now. It smells bad, and there’s no way around it that doesn’t involve covering my shoes in ankle-twisting mud.
First, you have to pump the water out so the ground can dry a little. Then, you gotta think long term about some ways you can help keep it from being so unbelievably nasty. Plant weeping willows; seriously, a mature weeping willow will suck up some serious water once its roots get out there. Dig some drainage pipes. Use some EarthRight soil conditioner to break up the clay on the side of the park farthest away from the river so the water can at least go down into the earth instead of creating bogs.
I’m an Asheville resident, I’m a tax payer and I want to say for all the efforts that have gone into making this park a reality, it truly sucks that parts of it are unusable in months where the heat isn’t extreme enough to evaporate the water away. Surely stagnant water is a health hazard?
You want me to vote tomorrow? Work to fix something I care about, that might motivate me to the polls.
It was a wonderfully romantic gesture, I was so completely tickled, taken aback, surprised…something all for me, selected with me in mind and no one else. This is how I know it’s true love and he’s the man of my dreams:
Sparky got me a 12 pack of Diet Coke with Lime.
Not just Diet Coke, no no, the kind with lime. And not because I asked him to, nope, just because. Just because.
That’s beautiful. That’s true love.
i didn’t have to completely suck today, i get to totally suck next week…so i have a whole week to stew over it, think about it, worry, fret some more.
it’s the kind of thing that resulted in me locked in my bathroom, tub full of bubbles, eating chocolate pudding (it’s way tidier to have pudding in the tub than cookies, just fyi).
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
tomorrow i’m not going to be well-liked, i’m not going to win any friends over tomorrow…and i know the word will spread like wildfire that i’m a bitch and no one can ever meet my standards and i’m cold-hearted…
…but that’s not the case. i have anguished over this for months, for the better part of this year i’ve worried over it. i’ve tried every reasonable alternative. i have lost sleep, had headaches, been sick to my stomach…but no one gets to know much about that. everyone goes for surface knowledge, appearances, rumors.
i tried. i really, really did.