Dear City of Asheville:

Friggin’ come up with a way to pump the standing water out of Carrier Park.  It’s nasty.   There’s green swampy stinky water that’s been standing on the running trails for weeks now.  It smells bad, and there’s no way around it that doesn’t involve covering my shoes in ankle-twisting mud.

First, you have to pump the water out so the ground can dry a little.   Then, you gotta think long term about some ways you can help keep it from being so unbelievably nasty.  Plant weeping willows; seriously, a mature weeping willow will suck up some serious water once its roots get out there.  Dig some drainage pipes.  Use some EarthRight soil conditioner to break up the clay on the side of the park farthest away from the river so the water can at least go down into the earth instead of creating bogs.

I’m an Asheville resident, I’m a tax payer and I want to say for all the efforts that have gone into making this park a reality, it truly sucks that parts of it are unusable in months where the heat isn’t extreme enough to evaporate the water away.  Surely stagnant water is a health hazard? 

You want me to vote tomorrow? Work to fix something I care about, that might motivate me to the polls.

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