Two movies in one weekend thanks to some free passes, woohoo!
The Unborn is scary if the kid from The Omen scared the hell out of you. Scary kids scare the snot out of me. If you are not creeped out by spooky little kids, skip the movie. I would also like to comment that while the new movie theater in Asheville is nifty and shiny, the freakin’ hike from the parking deck in the dark when it’s five degrees outside is not amusing in the slightest.
Bride Wars only reminded me that I really like getting married, but I’m very bad at staying married, but at this point, I suppose all that doesn’t matter since I have to resort to reading craigslist personal ads that I don’t reply to just so I know there are other people out there in the same boat. But! The whole dress, cake, all about me (and whoever, blah blah blah, details) event thing is fabulous! The idea of a romantic proposal and a ring is fabulous, too, but I’ve been pretty flippin’ cheated in that area……………but by golly, I’ve had really good cake! I can take consolation in really good cake, at least.
You want to see a scary movie? Rent “Strangers.” It’s with Liv Tyler and some guy who I think used to be on Felicity. I watched it on Saturday and it scared the Ba-jesus out of me!
Ooooo Mirrors is good also. Kiefer, Jack Bauer hotness.