so the target at airport road is completely out of the bottles of my beloved seasonal starbuck’s dark chocolate peppermint mocha frappucino. this is a problem, people. they have tons, scads, oodles and cases galore of the seasonal raspberry mocha flavor, but that is NOT what i want. i want peppermint dark chocolate and i want it NOW! someone visit target off tunnel road and report back to me on the status! call me! text me! email me! is there any left in this town? i must know immediately! normally i stock my fridge so the happy little bottles of caffeine and sugar are present all the way through the month of january…but alas! i am freaking out! if i’d known there was such a shortage i would’ve filled my cart in december to last me through january, wiping out my bank account and then i would’ve existed on nothing but ramen and my magical frappucino!