I passed my motorcycle class!

I’m super excited that I finished my motorcycle class on Sunday, and twenty four hours later, I’m still trying to thaw out.  Saturday the rain poured down, followed by horrible chilling winds…Sunday I awoke to snow blowing around which finally cleared and left behind the horrible wind again.  After two days out in the elements, I’m pretty sure that I’m still defrosting.  Nasty weather.

But the class was fun, learning something new was terrific! When I learn something new that interests me, I can’t think about anything else, so all the stress and worry just evaporate.  Even though I was physically exhausted at the end of the Saturday and Sunday, mentally I was absolutely jazzed!  It was so terrific to move past the initial fear and trepidation of can I do this to hell yes I can totally do this

And you never know when these skills will come in handy!  Like, when I get one of those calls I get all the time requesting me to be Angelina Jolie’s stunt double for her next action flick since we look so very much alike and they say Oh, but you have to be able to ride a motorcycle for these scenes and I can be all like Tell Angie I’m in, no problem.  Pretty cool!  Or if I need to quit my dull day job and become a full time Power Ranger (I would like to be the Orange Ranger or possibly the Purple Ranger), having the ability to ride a motorcycle will put me to the top of the list of would-be power rangers!!  New skills open doors, folks, yes indeed.

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