…was about wanting things I can’t have. Your Katster wants many things.
Today in dealing with something important in the morning and something else that also has a ridiculously high priority to me later the same day, I realized that I already have many of the things I want…I just don’t own them, I guess. I am in a rental situation or long-term lease with things I want. I can’t call any of the things I want mine outright; they’re shared, they’re loaners…but I want them to be mineminemineminemine. I call dibs. Mine. I’ll give you a dollar for it.
And then let’s revisit the popular theme of “well what would you do with it if it was yours?” Well, no different than what I do with the whole fine mess in my rental situation, I reckon, but at least I could shout it from the rooftops. I’m a Virgo–we like ownership and public acknowledgement.